Road Blues (Narry)

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  Some people would say that Harry Styles is a boring person. Whether it is because of his slow voice or the fact that he doesn’t really joke around much, or maybe just because he seems so normal. But that’s not true. Anyone who knows Harry knows the real him. He has many qualities. He likes adventures, most including driving around on his Range rover, he loves music -the soft tones of Ed Sheeran and Damien Rice over to the energetic Rolling Stones or even Led Zeppelin, and if you’re lucky you might witness him listening to a Guns n’ Roses classic.

  But, you see, Harry has always felt like he was bound to something. Like he was bound to his home in good old Holmes Chapel. But when he finally got out of school he realized that that was not the problem. His problem was that he never really got the time to do the things he wanted. He always had to sit in a boring classroom, ignoring the boring teachers so he could daydream about the day he gets out of this hole and goes on an adventure.

  His mom was very reluctant at first. She didn’t want her second child to move from her like the past one did. But Harry knew he could confront her by simply letting her know that Gemma is much happier where she is now, somewhere in the middle of Spain with a handsome English speaking boyfriend, and that was all the poor woman had to hear. She knew it was right so there was nothing she could do but let him go. Its not like it would’ve mattered anyways. Harry was his own mother and father now. Not because he didn’t like the ones he had, because he loves them more than anything, but he was old enough to take care of himself. Of course he would still keep contact with his mom and make sure that she had Robin there every step of the way, but he couldn’t stay anymore. He longed the world. He longed new people who were similar to him. In a boring town like this there is not much to do and only a limited amount of people. Harry being the indie rocker made his choice of friends obvious. He had three best friends. They were not only his best friends, but they were his band mates. Of course they had a very uncreative name, but what else can you do in an uncreative town? And its not like White Eskimo always seemed like his awkward years, but now Harry has begun to realize how surreal it all was. He found guys that reminded him of himself and jumped on their train first chance he got. And in a town like this they get so excited when they have something in common, so starting a band was all natural. And of course they didn’t care about their band name. They weren’t planning on getting famous. The band was only there so they could answer the questions that they knew never would come. They didn’t really expect people to come up to them and ask ‘what did you do last night?’, but they felt good knowing that if someone did they could always reply with ‘just practicing with my band and stuff’. It made them feel like they belonged and truth be told they also found it rather cool.

  But cool couldn’t keep Harry from leaving. He was 19, wanted a fresh start, and once again I repeat; He wants an adventure.

   When Harry says he likes adventures he doesn’t mean going through the wilderness of the Amazon forest or a storm in the Arctic. No sir. He wants a real adventure. Maybe a guitar or two. Maybe a friend. Maybe sunglasses and a headband. Maybe have someone who shares his interest equally as much. And maybe, just maybe, have the time of his life.

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