Harry the explorer (Chapter 2)

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Okay, the reason I'm doing these chapters farely short compared to how I usually write my stories is because it's so exhausting to always have to think of many things to put into one chapter, and much easier to focuse on one detail with each chapter. And plus, now I will hopefully be a bit faster at updating! .... hopefully! Aha! Anyways, I'm not quite sure what to say about his chapter, but I do hope that you enjoy it! (felt like the song on the side was just too ironic for this)     LOLOLOL, I ACCIDENTALLY VOTED FOR THIS CHAPTER! I'M SO VAIN 

  The minute the boys stepped off the plane Liam was starting to plan where to go and when, but before he got far a loud shriek was heard -Harry for a moment there starting to think that Liam must be some kind of a celebrity- but then he saw a gorgeous dark skinned girl with hair that frankly looked like dark noodles (a bit like Harry’s), who ran to Liam and jumped into his awaiting embrace. It only took Harry about five seconds to realize that the girl must’ve been Danielle. And Harry really understood why a handsome lad like Liam picked her. She seemed wonderful.

  “I missed you so much LiLi bear!” she cooed, Liam blushing quite much because Harry heard her nickname for him, but brushed it off because he was too happy to care.

  “But I missed you more, Dani!” Liam told her, holding her even tighter to be sure that it was real, not just one of the too good to be true dreams that he got every night when he was away from her.

  “I’m not going to get into this again!” Danielle warned with a giggle, getting tired of their ’I love you more’ competitions.

  “Okay.” Liam chuckled, knowing that it would be well frustrating. “But seriously though, I really did miss you.”

  “Yeah, it gets harder every year when you go away.” she said, frowning slightly at the fact.

  “Let’s not get into that now.” Liam said sincerely before changing the subject. “How have you been, babe?”

  “I’ve been okay. Learnt to cope with it.” she said, shrugging lightly with her hands draped over Liam’s shoulder, now standing in front of him so she could get a proper look at his face. “Although Loki missed you very much. He wasn’t as happy as usually.”

  “Oww, our poor baby.” Liam frowned, but Harry -who was still standing beside them and watching this all go down- was left utterly confused. Liam definitely hadn’t mentioned having a baby to him. That kind of thing wouldn’t just fly past. But whether Liam had a baby or not didn’t really concern Harry because it wouldn’t change anything, and he looked like the type that wouldn’t impregnate a girl at such a young age either ways.

  After a while of that lovey dovey catching up Danielle turned to Harry, just then noticing a stranger that had been standing beside them and watching the exchange. She gave Liam a curious look, not sure if the curly haired one knew him or if he was some perverted teenagers invading two people in love.

  “That’s Harry.” Liam explained, seeming to read Danielle’s thoughts. “I met him on the flight here.”

  “Oh, hello.” she said with a wide, and very beautiful, smile, offering her hand which Harry shook. “I’m Danielle.”

  “I know.” Harry said, sending her a equally warm and friendly smile, but then noticed her somewhat uncomfortable expression and realized that maybe she did think he was just a perverted teenager. And he would think the same if he was in her steps, since it would be kind of weird for a complete stranger to just suddenly know your name. So Harry kind of had to explain the situation, not wanting to come across as a stalker. “Liam told me many things about you, including your name. I’m not some total creep.”

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