The idea(Chapter 1)

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So here it is. The first chapter. And it's bloody 1:26 in the night, I've got school tomorrow, and I DON'T KNOW WHY I DO THIS TO MYSELF! (I blame all of you.)

anyways, not so sure if I like this chapter. But then again, that's my thought of all my chapters. Lol. 

but I do hope that YOU enjoy it (: 


  “Have you got your clothes? Your toothbrush? My phone number? Your passport?” the woman asked, looking at her son so she could memorize every single thing about him before he left to god knows where.

  “Yes, mom, I got it all!” the boy replied, smiling at his mother who he knew was on the edge of a breakdown. “I’m not that careless that I could forget my passport.”

  “You never know.” his mother shrugged with a nervous chuckle, making this so much harder on him. He remembered how it was when Gemma left. His mother had been absolutely devastated, but he and Robin had been there to keep her on her feet. Now Robin was alone, and Harry knew that it would be very hard on him too. He was just so afraid that the two of them wouldn’t be able to deal with it. But he needed to keep a strong face, otherwise his mom would feel even worse.

  “Mom, I’ll be okay. I‘m a big boy.” he assured the woman, and this seemed to be her breaking point.

  Tears came flooding down as she covered her face, desperately trying to prevent anyone in the airport to know that she was crying. But Harry immediately noticed and looked over at Robin who had a worried expression plastered on his face. The young boy rushed over to his mother and threw his hands around her, feeling a lump form in his own throat. 

  They stayed like that for a long time, Anne with her head in her son’s neck, but a voice called out, directing all the passengers to leave in ten minutes.

  Harry moved away from his mother and looked over at Robin who was looking rather sad too, although he was better at hiding it.

  Harry walked over to him too and gave him a tight hug. They had never really been that close. Harry wanted his own father to be with his mother, but he knew that it couldn’t be so which was probably the thing that hurt him the most. So for all the years his mom had been with Robin, Harry had disliked the older male and showed it very well. Why should be nice to someone who he felt like destroyed his life? That’s how it was in his point of view for all those years, but only now was Harry starting to realize what the older male had done for him. How much se sacrificed. He paid for his clothes, books, his car, all his stuff, the house he was living in, this trip. Yeah, he practically kept him and his mom alive ever since he came into their lives, so it was sad to think that Harry was only starting to appreciate him when he was moving on a whole other side of the world, even if it was just for a couple of months.

  But their hug was some sort of a silent apology, and Robin forgave him by embracing the younger boy back.

  After the new connection between the two males Harry moved over to his mom again, and hugged her long and tight before he said his byes and walked to the plane.

  He could hear his mom break into sobs again, not even trying to cover them, and he let a small tear escape. This was so much harder than he had expected.

  “Sir?” someone said, snapping him out of his trance.

  “Yeah?” Harry replied, but then realized that it was his turn to show his passport. “Oh sorry.”

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