Ghost!Cya : The Finale (?)

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Dan was awoken by sound of the doors being busted open.

'Was that a zombie or...'

He quietly peaked over the corner of the cave to look at whatever was causing such a ruckus.

That was when he was met with the sight of Ecko and Squid by the door.


James watched as they broke down the door. He knew what they wanted.

He looked at a terrified Dan, the bees fast asleep around him.

He thought about the one thing he may have to do if things got messy.


Dan was quick to scramble further into the cave. He didn't know what they wanted from him but he did not wish to find out.

"You sure he's here?" He heard Ecko ask.

"Yeah, I followed him all the way over here." Squid responded.

Dan knew someone one was following him! But why?

"We know you're in here, Dan!" Ecko yelled. "So you can make this easy and cooperate, or we drag you out by force!"

'What do they want from me?' Dan thought. He can't just fight them, especially since it'll be 1 v 2.

'What would Justin do...? What would James do?' He questioned as the duo slowly started moving closer to the little hole in the wall he chose to hide in.

'I may have to do the forbidden act....'

That was when Dan grabbed his pickaxe, lifting it up before bit down to the stone right below him....

Only for him to faceplant into another cave...

Both Ecko and Squid followed him down the very short drop as Dan tried to collect himself.

"Just give up, Dan" Ecko said as he lifted up by his shirt. "There is nowhere you can go that we won't find you."

Dan struggled against Ecko to no avail.

"What do you want from me?!" He shouted.

"I think you know what we want, Dannyboi." That was when Squid came up from behind Ecko, making looking Dan straight in the eyes.

Dan wanted to shout. He would have lunged at him and made sure he went to the opposite of where he hoped James is if Ecko wasn't holding him.

"Squid came and told me you were acting very suspicious throughout out these oast few weeks. The fact that James has suddenly gone missing doesn't help doesn't help with your case at all."

Dan couldn't believe it. Yes, he was responsible for James disappearance, but that wasn't him!

"That fact that you're not talking just further proves our point Dan, you might as well talk." Squid said.


James couldn't believe it!

'That no-good lying...'

He felt something that he hasn't felt in a long while...

That feeling he will soon realize...

Was rage.


"I- I-" Dan sputtered. He was still trying to get out of Ecko's grip but was failing miserably.

"Just tell us where James is!" Even Ecko was getting annoyed at this point. "You must be keeping him somewhere! Now tell us where and why!"

Dan just looked up at the hole he came in to see something moving above it.

Actually, a lot of somethings.

"We saw James' bees up there earlier. Why do you have them? What are you planning?!" Questioned Ecko.

Dan still didn't answer. He just continued looking at the swarm as the buzzing could be heard getting louder and louder.....

'Are they getting closer or more angry?...'
Dan thought.

"Are you going to answer or not Dan-  OW."

Squid suddenly yelped in pain, causing Ecko to drop his guard for a moment.

"Are you alright?"

The particles surrounding Squid said it all.

He had been poisoned.

That was when the buzzing got louder as the swarm now enveloped Squid and Ecko, causing Ecko to drop Dan as he attempted to swat them away. Even with their armor the a few of the bees were still able to get to them, though most of them appeared to just be flying around them rather than stinging the two.

Dan watched as some of the bees swarming Squid and Ecko sadly dropped dead. Though their loss would not be in vain as they both started staggering back.

Ecko tried to draw his sword but was having difficulties hitting the little guys before he just gave up and started backing off.

Squid stayed a little longer but was still taking large amounts of damage the longer he stayed, so he had to go. He started retreating, however not before looking at Dan again.

"This isn't over, Dannyboi..." He than left.

The bees then began to slow down, calmly buzzing around Dan once again once they knew their threat had been dealt with.

Dan instantly let out a deep sigh in relief. He sat up and reached out a shakey hand. Instantly a bee gently landed on it.

He once again cupped it in his hands, tears began rolling down his cheeks as he let out a soft sob.

"You guys were really sent by him, huh?" He said between his sniffling.

He felt another presence with them, so he brought his gaze away from the bees for a moment to look up.

That was when he saw what looked like silhouette.

It seemed as though it was staring at him for a while. Despite what looked like a lack of identifying features Dan knew exactly who that was, prompting him to cry even more.

"I'm sorry..."

The silhouette nodded. He understood. And that's all that mattered to Dan at the moment.

"...Thank you..." Dan whispered.

The silhouette began turning away, fading out of Dan's vision before going completely.

Even though Dan couldn't see him he could still feel his presence.

He was still with him...

And he had forgiven him for everything.


Welp. Here it is.

Hope you all enjoyed it!

I may do smaller bits on this series if anyone wants it but that's probably going to be it for now.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, let me know!


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