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Beautiful Night : TWO

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Beautiful Night : TWO

Beautiful Night • chapter 02

NAMJOON sit on his chair and let out a sigh. He can feel the pressure now. People blaming him because he accidentally spilled a coffee to the table. Well, it's not his fault by the way. Someone did pushed him from behind. And he knew who done it.


A man who always tried make Namjoon into trouble. What is Damien deal? Didn't he get any jobs to do? Well he had one. He got promoted as a manager in Block 2. Which is where Namjoon works there. He always treated Namjoon badly. He is the one who will find someone falses' so he can put a blame on them. He is a monster. Very monster. But Damien got a handsome face. He is a playboy. Always tried his fucking bests to make girls loved him. Anyways, he is sucks in love. He never got one true love in his life. Sad? I know.

"Can you quit from this job and find a new job?" Mrs Kim said to Namjoon. Namjoon shake his head. Quit? He will never do that. He like his job. Why must he quit from it?

"Mom. I don't want to quit from this job. I like my job mom."

"You like it? Being a coolie? You like that? huh?" Mrs Kim shake her head. She never expected such an answer from her son. "Why must be coolie when you have a degree?"

"Why? It's not like a person who got degrees is illegal from being a coolie. Right?" Namjoon start to walk.

"I want you to quit and work with me."

"Me? Work with you? I don't want to. And i am not willing to help you," Namjoon shake his head then go to his room.

"You will regret it son."

"I will not!"

A long street with an endless of homeless people. Yes, homeless. Poor them can't afford to rent a house or even a room. That is why they ended up here. Staying and laying at the street. But they got used with that. So do Merina that always give them some food if she had some money left...Enough for her and the others as well.

"Thanks Merina..." the old woman said to Merina. Merina smile to her. Well, this is what Merina likes. Helping people and make them smile.

"What a beautiful tonight young lady," grandpa says to Merina. It's common for calling that old man as a grandpa cause he look like one.

"Yes it is." Merina answered.

Grandpa looked up to the skies. No stars, no moon. But it is beautiful and so are refreshing.


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