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Beautiful Night : SIX

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Beautiful Night : SIX

Beautiful Night • chapter 06 | last

They met again. With the skies, that looks exact phenomenal like the last time they met.

"You again?" Merina sit beside Namjoon.


"Why are you here today?"

"I'm having a lots of problem. I keep failing being an unpopular person. I don't know why this is happening to me..."

"It's because of your looks."

"And that is what i hate."

"Okay...Come down. Chill and relax."

"Im trying."

"You know, i got fired from my work."

"Oh, i'm sorry to hear that."

"Nah. No need to. I--i just can't believe this is happening. All i have done is just smiling and say sorry. Is that not enough? Or is it far from enough?"

They shut their mouth. Now, focusing their eyes looking at the beautiful skies.

Namjoon bring Merina to his mom company. He want Merina to work with his mom. And guess what? His mom accept Merina. And the best thing when people start bowing down to Namjoon. Respecting him like a boss. And the girls, start chasing him.


Got a lot of respect. All the workers are respecting her. Seeing how extraordinary this is, Namjoon want Merina to always be by his side. And that is why, Namjoon make Merina as his personal assistant.

And from the day they are together. All of their work just going smoothly. And then Namjoon had a big one idea. They can't live like this forever. They have to be together all the time.

"Merina," Namjoon call Merina, that was chillin down with her phone. She turn to Namjoon.


"I want to ask something. Are you busy?"

"Um, not really busy. What is it?"

"Okay...i just want to ask you but you don't need to give the answer today."

"Okay...what is it?"

Namjoon take a deep breath. Is it okay for him to do this?

"I want to take you as my bride. Will you?"


"Sorry? What did you say?"

Merina smile. "I am willing to be your bride."

"Is this for real?"

"Yes, Namjoon."

Namjoon smile. He can't believe this. His proposal, Merina accept it !!!

Namjoon and Merina finally get married. And their life start to change, slowly...like the Beautiful Night, the first time they met and that is how their life change...become beautiful as the night was.

They are meant to be together. As for the poor folks, Namjoon help all of them. And Merina take grandpa to live with them. She likes grandpa and respect grandpa the most.

For Merina families, they all now happy. They got what they want. All thanks to Namjoon that sent almost 1M to them.

Two person met in the Beautiful Night. They are meant to be together...and they are meant to complete each other.

-The End-

Quote, by Syaa.

“We are born not perfect. That is why, one day, we will find our soulmate. Where he or she, are the one who will complete the missing pieces of us. If you can't find your soulmate now, maybe tomorrow you will. If not in this world, you will met him or her in the heaven. One day, trust me, one day you will have your soulmate.”

Beautiful Night, the end.
Written by Syaa.

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