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Beautiful Night : FIVE

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Beautiful Night : FIVE

Beautiful Night • chapter 05

Merina starts her job as usual. Not until...

"Merina!!" one big shout come from Mrs Lessie.

Mrs Lessie is the one who manage this boutique. Almost like 4 years. Workers will say Mrs Lessie is a woman with a high temper. Yes she is. She highly tempered with everything. That is why workers always get shouted by her.


"Yes Madam?"

"How dare you disrespect Madam Joana?"

Merina look at Mrs Lessie face. Who the truck is Madam Joana?

"I am the one who got a big disrespect from her. The other day, you rude to me."

Madam Joana. The woman who shout at Merina.

In what hell is Merina disrespecting this old woman? All Merina does is just smile toward the customers even she get insults and shouted and even got blamed for no reason. So, which one is Merina disrespecting her? None!

"You are fired! Now get out!" Mrs Lessie look angrily toward Merina. Now this is what we call as disrespect. Shits.

Merina bite her lips. Then she bow and apologizing. Even it is not her false. She walk out from the boutique. What an intense look from workers in the boutique to Merina. All she does is just work, smile, saying sorry, all the time! And not even one, people saw it.

Very shit. And indeed it is shits more.

"What bring you here young lady?" grandpa ask to Merina. Merina smile.

"I just got fired..." Merina look turn. Lowered her eyes, looking at her shoes.

"Life is hard huh young lady? World is just so cruel to us. Rich people got a lot of respects, of what they not doing they still got respects. How about us? A poor little folks. They disrespect us and put a big blame on us. This is how the world are young lady. Cruel..." grandpa say. He open the coca cola bottle. Then he give it to Merina.

Merina shake her head but grandpa still insist want to give her the coca cola drinks. Merina then take it and take a little drink on it.

"Thanks grandpa."

"That is what we all say young lady. But no one has pay attention to it. A word of 'thanks' is just a word to them. They didn't know that is the best way of thanking people."

Merina shut her mouth. She dont have anything to reply.

"Are you really going to work with me?" Mrs Kim ask to Namjoon.

"Yes. But mom, please don't tell them i am your son."

"Huh? Why is that so?"

"Just keep it secret. I have my own reason mom. I hope you can accept it."

"Fine. Of you insist. I will accept it. But, you must promise me to work as what i command you. Okay?"

"Sure mom. Anything."

Namjoon think everything is going well but it actually not. Girls start checking Namjoon out. And they discovered his handsome face, and chase him. Saying the ily word like damn stupid.

And just in one day, Namjoon start locking himself again.

'What in the hell is happening to my life!?'

Namjoon don't like his life. He hates being chased. And hate people keep complimenting him because of his looks.

Can he change that all? Can he just be unpopular and unsee for just one second?


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