Chapter 1: First day of school

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TW: strong language (cursing)

Karl's POV

      I woke up pretty early and looked at the clock 5:30am. I turned back and thought to myself about the weird dream I had. 'Why was I walking in a field with Alex/quackity?'.

I was in love with him but couldn't tell him how I felt because he was dating Carlos my brother before They broke up. I lost track of time and looked at the clock 6:55am. "Shit I'm going to be late".

I got up at got dressed quickly and  ran to the bathroom. Luckily I had set my stuff the night before. When I looked up I realized I had a note on my mirror  it was from Carlos  who had moved away school and broke up with the person I'm in love with, now its  just me, my dad and my sister.

it had said  'have a great day wish I was there Luv' - Carlos

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my arm. " OUCH!" I said with a mad expression. " sorry dad just wanted me to let you know that he wants a picture" Maeve my sister said. "Okay I'll be down there in a sec" I said motioning her to leave.

Soon after I went downstairs to find my dad sitting on the table waiting patiently for me. Maeve was already there ready and dressed standing with a camera in her hand " I have go soon"I said but dad didn't say anything instead just took the camera out of Maeve's hand "say cheese" dad said with a weird face.


As soon as were done I hop in the car. I see Maeve go in the passenger seat As usually knowing that she is the only other sibling I have. "Seatbelt" I say looking at her but realizing that she has two on and a helmet.
-"your kidding right"
-"nope...I just don't trust your driving skill that's all"
-"whatever" I say rolling my eyes
As I turn on the car the time reads 7:20am
-"O My God we need to go"
-" well hurry I have school too"
I drop off Maeve at her long ass car line to middle school. I check the time 7:45am.
-" great now I'm late for the first day of school"
-"well I might as well starbucks since I'm already late"

Once I get to school I try to find my classes but end up getting lost in the crowd while the second period bell rings. 
After about five more minutes of looking I find my second period class and being late again trying to find my class. I walk in and everyone is staring at me.

I walk to an open seat in the back and sit down.
-"Class started 1o minutes ago...Mr?"
-" Karl. Karl Jacobs"
-" well Mr.Jacobs I hope you know when to show on time now, anyway back to the review"

I lean back in my chair and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn over to see George my best-friend since kindergarten. I'm pretty sure his parents favor me over him but no one cares about that.
-"Why are u late?"
-"long story"
-"well I have time at lunch"
-"okay. Deal"
Later a few periods had passed and it was time for lunch. I met up with George and while walking through the hall I didn't see where I was going and ran into someone.

I turned around and saw that it was Niki.
-" I'm so sorry!"
-"sorry again"

After I backed up looking down and saw a figure wrap there arm  around Niki I look up and see Sapnap. Right then and there we made eye contact and said nothing until I broke it by looking at George.
-"Hey babe"
-"hi" Niki said giving me a death stare
-"what's wrong"
-"this stupid bitch stepped on my shoes"(I'm not shipping niki and sapnap/Nick )
Niki and I where friends like two years ago until we were at a little get together with friends and we're playing truth or dare and Nick was dared to kiss me and

Niki told me before that she liked him but pure pressure got the better of me and him and he kissed me and I kissed him back and which leads us to now where there dating.

-"hey,..hey watch your mouth girl don't talk to my best-friend like that" George says with a mad look on his face
-"no,it's okay I stepped on her shoes..I'm sorry again and I going to go" I say walking off with George 


After school ended I went and picked up Maeve. As soon as she got in the car she can feel my negative energy coursing through
-"hey Karl"
-"hi" I said with no emotion
-"what's wrong?"
-"come on you can tell me"
-"fine, but... not in the car don't feel like crying while on the road"

Once we got home I went straight to my room  and face planted on my bed while Maeve was talking to dad about her day.

All of a sudden I hear foot steps excepting it was Maeve I say
-"ready to talk to me now?Maeve"
I looked up and it was my dad him and I aren't close but we try to make the best out of it since mom died.
-" I'm not your sister but I do want to talk"
-"not right now... I had really bad  day and just want to talk to my sister"
-"but you could talk to me"
-"No it's fine please leave me alone"
-"okay but your gonna have to talk to me one day"
As soon as he leaves I see Maeve watching in at the edge of the door. I tell her to come in and she sits down I see that she has paper in her hand but I don't really care.
-"so what happened today"
-" I don't even know"

I soon explain everything to her from the boy I kissed, to me not being friends with Niki anymore and lastly to all the guys I like including Alex my brothers ex boyfriend
I realized that Maeve has been taking notes but still don't care
- "so your telling me that you like ALEX!!"
-"yes,and Shut up!"

   ~~|TIME SKIP|~~

After I had shared my whole life story with Maeve I looked at the clock and it was 9:50pm I took a shower and got ready bed while running into my sister. I lay down I couldn't stop thinking about Nick and how we made eye contact for like a good minute.
-'Nick is cute but he's with Niki so I would have no chance'.
- 'What am I thinking! I don't like Nick only Alex and maybe Nick but no'.

Soon I went on my phone till I got bored and went to sleep

Words: 1158

(Thanks if you read this idk)

To all the boy I've loved before ✨Karlnap✨Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant