Chapter 2: Maeve's plan

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TW: none

Maeve's POV

After listening to Karl's life story I decided it was time I quit my job as being his personal therapist. I started writing down notes while he was talking so I knew that I would remember.
-"what was that again?"
-" I said I had a crush on Nick well as least think I do, Alex, and this guy called Liam"
-"okay,okay...Um what else"
-"idk... I kissed Nick a while ago but it doesn't count so,well I think"
-"okay I what I need" I accidentally said out loud
-"wdym? ( what do u mean?)
-"'s nothing"
-"whatever" Karl said as he rolls his eyes
~Present time~

It was around 9:50 pm I heard Karl get up from his room. My room is right next to Karl's and the walls in our house  are very thin. As soon as I heard the bathroom door close and the shower head turn on I run to his room quietly.

I didn't know what exactly I was look for but verification for everything he told me today. losing hope that I won't find anything I heard the floor board squeak.

Being the curious cat I am I investigate and lift the floor board. Finding an old shoe box I see there's multiple things in there including various letters.

I knew Karl liked to write that's why he took a writing class in high school. I open one of the letters and see that it's about someone.

Hearing Karl coming back to his room I quickly take all of the letters and shove everything back in the shoe box under the floor board as he walks in as I try to put the letters in my pocket.
-"what are u doing in here?"
-"um...looking... for a s-Shirt! To sleep"
-"well,you look untrustworthy but,..I don't feel like trying to dig into it so whatever"
-"yup" I say grabbing a random shirt off the floor

I run back to my room and take the letters out of my pocket. I read each one about how Karl feels so passionately about everyone he wrote about and I start bursting laughing.

'Okay back to the plan' I decided on waiting till Karl feel asleep to start. It was around 12:45 when I heard the noise from his phone go off which mean he was asleep.

I slowly tip-toed to his room and opened the door and saw that he was asleep. Karl is a deep sleeper so I have no problem with being loud in his room.

I grab his phone and being his only sister I know his password. I go on messages and text everyone he said he like telling them that he had feelings for them.

As expected they didn't believe me.
Karl- Hey I just wanted to let u know that.....
Nick- what?
- I like u..
-what do u mean!?!
-what I said..

I had done that for the next to people. After I set his phone back down with it blowing up. And carefully took the addresses for the three people and
send them each their letters that Karl had wrote.

'God he's going to kill me tomorrow' I say as I tip-toe back to my room trying not to wake my parents right across from me.

I fall asleep knowing I have drama to look forward too and thinking what my excuses should be when he basically screams at me.

{this chapter is basically that thing that gets the whole story together}
Thxs I guess

To all the boy I've loved before ✨Karlnap✨Where stories live. Discover now