The Team Formations

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Naruto and Sasuke stood by the side of the Hokage's desk and they watched as the Jonin's argued over who they wanted in their teams. Sasuke didn't care enough to pay attention while Naruto watched them argue over which students to get. Asuma quickly snatched up Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji, making sure those three stay together like the rest of their family. Kurenai swooped in to get Hinata, Kiba and Shino while everyone was to busy trying to figure out who would work good together.

More and more teams were getting confirmed by the Hokage until only a few Jonin's we're left. That's when Sasuke stepped forwards towards the Hokage, and all of the Jonin's paused in their scrambling. The Hokage turned towards Sasuke, and Naruto watched as the two of them discussed something. After a few minutes of them talking, the Hokage looked up and the Jonin's that have no teams shifted in place, not wanting to have the nine-tailed brat on their team. Sasuke just gave them blank look then looked past them towards one of the Jonin's who obviously didn't want to be here, who then jolted because he realized he had the attention of the Hokage and the last Uchiha.

Naruto stepped forward to take a closer look at the Jonin that Sasuke wanted as their team leader, and titled his head at the very tired Jonin. Kakashi stepped forward with a sigh, one so strong that some people were worried that he bruised a rib, and said, "I guess I can be their team leader, but who's my third?"

Naruto peeped up, "Haruno Sakura!"

A lot of the Jonin's looked very confused and Kakashi was one of them, which prompted him to ask why Sakura was the third they chose. Sasuke looked tired as he explained, "Naruto wanted her because he thought that she would be a good medic nin and he also thinks it'd be funny to have her on our team since he finds her crush on me hilarious."

Some Jonin's shifted and Kurenai spoke up, "Isn't that kind of mean to her? I didn't think the Hokage would approve of a team that is obviously meant to be rude to one of the Genins."

The Hokage took a hit of his pipe, "Naruto doesn't necessarily think of it as mean, he thinks of it as an eye opener for her towards the real world. He says that if she still has a crush on Sasuke by the end of their first month than she's not ready for the Ninja world and should be put as a Medic or as a scribe."

Kurenai looked confused and Naruto grinned at her, "If it isn't obvious to her by the end of our first month that Sasuke and I have been in a committed relationship for a while then she was never people smart and is only book smart, then no way is she surviving in the ninja world because you have to know people to be able to do a majority of missions. If she can't catch onto the fact that Sasuke will never like her, considering the fact that he is very into men, than how will she catch onto any other obvious signs in people she doesn't spend a bunch of time with, and if she does catch onto the fact that Sasuke and I are in a relationship but continues to pursue him then she's just delusional at that point."

Kurenai conceded to his reasonings and Kakashi agreed to be team 7's leader which allowed their meeting to continue with assigning teams to the rest of the Jonin's. Sasuke and Naruto huddled together by the Hokage's desk, deciding what to have for dinner when Kakashi walked over butting into their conversation, asking if he could join them for dinner. Naruto agreed and Sasuke huffed at the interruption before the two started debating again with Kakashi dropping in suggestions. Naruto tried to fight for ramen as dinner but Sasuke said having too much ramen is no good and they had ramen yesterday for dinner so no they're not having it for dinner tonight no matter how much he whines.

Kakashi chuckled at what was obviously a routine argument and offered up some bizarre mishmash that made Sasuke look at him with disgust. Naruto laughed and Sasuke rolled his eyes, while Kakashi faked offense making offended noises. Sasuke declared that they were having udon for dinner and he was not changing his mind, which made both Naruto and Kakashi whine.

The Hokage waved them out of his office as he was finishing up on deciding the teams and the three of them wandered out of the office with Sasuke leading them. Naruto and Kakashi followed after him, complaining which made Sasuke ignore them. A bunch of Kakashi's coworkers watched as one of their strongest followed after a 12 year old whining and complaining, asking themselves if this was really the Hatake Kakashi.

Throughout the walk back to the Uchiha Compound, the Uzumaki and Hatake complained but no one can out stubborn a Uchiha who has already made up their mind. Sasuke lead them into the house, taking off his shoes as Naruto and Kakashi sulked in after him. Sasuke headed into the kitchen, having already made a list of what he wanted to use for udon, while Naruto and Kakashi headed into the living room. Naruto sprawled out over the main couch and Kakashi sat down one of their recliners, both pouting.

Sasuke ignored his boyfriend and the sulking adult in his living room, already used to Naruto doing this whenever they have dinner that's not ramen even though Naruto likes whatever he makes. Naruto grumbled as he got up and Kakashi watched as he grabbed his kunai and then sat back down to sharpen them. They started a awkward conversation until Kakashi brought up some of the pranks his best friend did when they were children, which delighted Naruto immensely.

Sasuke listened to their conversation in the kitchen as he was cooking, happy that Naruto got someone other than him to talk to. Their used to only them two in the compound but having Kakashi here brought some life to their monotonous living in his clans compound. Sasuke also has some hope that Haruno also might bring some more light into their life but he's not gonna hold on to that hope.

As Kakashi was finishing up with his story Sasuke called for them and they got up to walk into the kitchen as he ended his story. Naruto grabbed the plates and utensils as Sasuke grabbed them something to drink, and Kakashi helped Naruto set up the table. Sasuke spooned some udon into all of their bowls, and made sure Naruto got a bigger bowl than Kakashi or him. Naruto gave him a kiss on the cheek, and once Sasuke sat down they gave their thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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