Class and Kiba Inuzuka

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Naruto's P.O.V

     After Hokage-jiji left, Iruka-sensei yelled at the fan-girls to shut up and sit down. All of the girls shutted up and sat down. Sasuke and I were quietly laughing at the girls.
Two hours later
              'Ugh this is the most boring thing in the universe' I thought as Iruka-sensei continued to babble, trying to get everyone's attention off of me and Sasuke.
           Then at that moment I heard, "Class we are going outside so I can grade you on your skills" Iruka-sensei said. Some groaned while other cheered, along with me, at the thought of getting out of the classroom.
          I bounced outside with Sasuke following me silently. I laughed at thought that Sasuke might actually talk for once. All of us students got in a circle around wooden poles as Iruka-sensei called out kids names.
           The first few kids, 20-30 kids, were plain horrible. They got 1 out of ten. Meaning they got one pole out of 10 poles. Wow. There were some village kids who got a passing grade, 6 out of 10 or higher, the clan kids, of course, got a 10 out of 10.
         I wanted to punch this one clan kid, Kiba Inuzuka, so much that Sasuke had to hold me back. Sasuke and I got perfect scores. Some of the kids, Kiba included, were surprised, they thought that because we haven't been in the Academy before that we would get bad grades.
            I almost punched him that time (Sasuke had to punch me).
        After school
As Sasuke and I walked out of school, with me hanging off his arm screaming for ramen, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, and Choji stopped us.
               "Hey fags! Where do you think your going?" Kiba sneered at us. "No where you need to know, dog breath," I sneered back. He huffs at the nickname, Shikamaru chuckles.
         "I suggest you move out of our way before something bad happens, Inuzuka," Sasuke threatens. Kiba scoffs, "What you gonna do, Uchiha?" Kiba taunted. "Oh nothing but Naruto will do something about it," Sasuke taunts back.
            "Oh what is blondie going to do?" Kiba taunts again. Neither of us answers, in word form, but I walked up to him and punched him so hard I broke his nose. Everyone around us or who saw us gasped. Kiba fell down and looked at me with wide eyes.
         Sasuke snickered, "I told you he would do something," Sasuke said. Kiba just glared at him.

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