The New Sensei

147 6 4

Narrator P.O.V

                      The two years quickly passed, and Naruto and Sasuke handled their class and the people in their class fairly well. Sometime during the two years, Naruto made friends with Shikamaru and Choji. Kiba was still angry at him for breaking his nose and Shino was just following what Kiba was doing. Sasuke was just ignoring everyone except for Naruto and the people Naruto became friends with. Naruto did gain a fangirl though, Hinata Hyuga. Ever since that time Naruto punched Kiba she has been stalking him around, and honestly, Sasuke has had enough of it.

                     So since this was their last week of the ninja academy he decided that he was going to end her little stalking streak. He doesn't even care if she was going to be a potential ally. So on the second to last day, Sasuke waited for Hinata at the end of the class. He watched as she slowly walked out of the classroom. He could tell that she was staring at Naruto as he walked with Shikamaru and Choji. "Hinata," he called out to her, she froze and slowly turned around towards him. "Oh, h-hi Sasuke-san," She stuttered out as she looked at him, he glared at her and she flinched. "What do you think you're doing stalking the dobe?" He huffed out angrily, she blushed and started stuttering more.

                     "I'm not stalking Naruto-Kun! I'm ad... admiring him," She stumbled over her words for second but quickly got over it and she also started to glare back at Sasuke defiantly. He smirked at her, "Uh huh and I'm the Hokage," he said in amusement. She huffed and he realized a second later what he really wanted to tell her. "Ok funs over, I need you to stop 'admiring' him, he doesn't need you to stalk him. He already hates fangirls enough as it is. If you want to be his friend, ask him," He said quickly as he realized that Naruto was out of his sight and that he didn't know where he was. "I need to leave, but if I see you ever following him ever again, I will deal with you in my own way," he said quickly then he started to jog off, but before he fully disappeared out of sight he heard her whisper, "It's not like you'll actually do anything or that you can do anything about it." 'Yeah right, I will do everything in my power for you to stop stalking him' he huffed in amusement at her thinking that he won't actually do something. 

                          A few seconds later he saw Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji sitting on a bench, waiting for him. He easily got to the bench and Naruto beamed at him. They got up and Shikamaru and Choji started to head back to their clan's houses while Naruto and Sasuke went to the Hokage Tower. "So... Sasuke? What were you doing?" Naruto asked cautiously, Sasuke looked at him and then looked away. "I was talking to a stalker," He said ominously, Naruto gained a confused face and then his face went pale white. "Do I have a stalker of my own?" He whispered out, Sasuke just nodded and after that, they just walked in silence. Eventually, they made it to the Hokage Tower and they started to climb the stairs up to the Hokage's Office. 

                          "Excuse me, boys, but the Hokage is in a meeting right now, please wait in the chairs," the Hokage's secretary called out to them. Naruto beamed at her and Sasuke nodded. "Thank you for letting us know!" Naruto called out as they walked towards the chairs right in front of the doors leading into the Hokage's office. The Anbu guarding his office waved at Naruto but nodded back at Sasuke, Naruto waved back and then he jumped into one of the chairs next to Sasuke. He started to explain what Choji and he were talking about. Sasuke just sat there listening and grunting along with the story. After 10 minutes they were allowed into the Hokage's office. "Hokage-Jiji!" Naruto screamed as he ran in, Sasuke following him slowly and Sasuke closed the door after him. 

                      Sasuke noticed that there were Jonins standing awkwardly around the room, Naruto didn't notice this. He was to busy hugging the Hokage while talking off his ear. The Hokage just smiled and nodded along with what Naruto was talking about. Many of the Jonins were glaring at Naruto, and Sasuke noticed this. He grunted and all of the Jonins turned towards him, he glared at them daring them to say anything to Naruto. Many of the jonins flinched at his glare while others looked intrigued. "Dobe, hurry up and finish the story so Hokage can tell us what he wants to tell us," He huffed out, already having enough of being in the same room as the Jonins. Naruto looked back at him and pouted but he did hurry, he finished his story after a few seconds and went back to stand by Sasuke. The Hokage chuckled, "I wanted you two to be in here when I go over the teams in case either of you don't want to be in a team." Many of the Jonins gave cries of shock and anger. "Why do those two get to chose what team they go in?!" a random Jonin exclaimed, Sasuke glared at him and he flinched. The Hokage sigh and explained, "They get to be in here because if Naruto wasn't Sasuke's friend Sasuke would have killed everyone in his class already and will if he was on a team without Naruto."

                       All of the Jonins had a look of shock on their face when the Hokage said this, they all looked at Sasuke and saw that he was nodding his head, agreeing with the Hokage. They also noticed that Naruto looked sad as Sasuke was nodding but he quickly gained a happy face. "Well since we have those two here let's continue on with the team formations," the Hokage said.


Haha cliffhanger, well sorry but I don't know if you guys want different teams or if you want the original teams. I kinda want to change it up a bit but if you guys don't want me to I won't. Please put all of the people you want to be shipped in the comments. If you want Hinata with anyone please say so, I have no clue who to put her with.

Shino x Kiba: 4

Neji x Shikamaru: 2

Sakura x No One?:

Sai x Ino: 1

Kakashi x Iruka: 7

Hinata x ?: 

Anyone else that you guys want:            

What I said about Kakashi not appearing for a while was a lie, he will appear next chapter. Sorry about that. SasuNaru should be a given as a ship, it's in the tags. I will probably put in videos of My Hero Academia at the start of chapters, I will do this because I either like the video or I just want you guys to watch the video. Sorry in advance. Also sorry about the bad grammar. 

4/7/21: I read this a few months back to see what grammar mistakes I made but halfway through I forgot that I made this story. When I read this chapter to the end I got angry about the cliffhanger and then I clicked out and it went back to the editing process page and I fucking died laughing. I cliffhanged myself. I thought that you guys might like this little tidbit about myself and how forgetful I am. 

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