Chapter Six

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Author's Notes

Two things that stood out of your lovely comments last week - firstly, how is Dot going to react/cope in the aftermath of their afternoon tryst and secondly, what happened with Ashleigh?

Well, my on and find out.

Love to you all and stay safe❤️❤️


BTW...Epilogue is up next week.


It was a little after 6.00 pm when the small group left the club. It was a strange feeling being thrust from the carnal decadence of the club back out into the stark reality of a New Jersey industrial area.

They'd all walked out of the door to their cars, looking like two loved-up couples. Dot found it comforting, if slightly disconcerting, that Jon was being so tactile with her now following weeks of being rather standoffish. After a brief discussion, finally capitulating that he was still feeling the languid effects of the afternoon, he'd solicitously helped her into the driver's seat.

After Jon settled into the passenger seat, Dot started the car and followed Richie's car from the car park toward his house. They drove in silence for a while, letting the radio fill the void until Dot felt Jon watching her. She glanced over to him and saw him curled tightly into the corner of the seat studying her pensively.

"What are you thinking?" Dot ventured.

Jon sighed. "Wondering what your next move will be," he said. "I can usually read you like a book but...not this time. I need to I need to think about calling my lawyers?"

"You know that wouldn't end well for either of us," Dot sighed. "Unless...unless you want that?"

"!" Jon exclaimed, uncurling a little and reaching for her hand. "But I want you to talk to me. I do love you, you know."

"But you love him more," she said simply.

"Not more," Jon said emphatically. "Never more. Equally. Differently. Richie can give me...something that you can't. Or should I say, haven't?"

"Really?!" she said, sarcasm dripping from her words.

"That's not what I meant," Jon replied. He shifted in the seat in frustration. "I never expected to find out that he and I both still feel the same way as we did before we got married."

"And I certainly didn't expect to find out that he was into the kink lifestyle...or that I'd even find it appealing. That was totally left field and completely out of the ballpark!"

Dot glanced at her husband.

"Then why?" she asked.

This was the most they'd spoken since the night he stripped naked. She had been too distraught and distracted with finding out about the baby to be able to think clearly enough about her seemingly normal rockstar husband's want for the fetish life.

"What made you want to explore that side of what Sambora does, too? Did he coerce you into it? Were you drunk? High?" She was trying to stay calm and reasonable but it was hard.

"You know...," Jon replied quietly. "To be honest, I don't know why. And, no, I wasn't high and only a little drunk. I had full knowledge of what I was doing that night."

Jon paused again, the crease between his eyes deepening even further. "Call it a perverse curiosity, maybe, after seeing what Rich was able to do with Ash. Or call it a compulsion to be closer in some way to Rich any way possible. I can't...I can't explain it any better than that, baby."

Craved - Part Three of the Wanted SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now