Chapter 3

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I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing in my ear today we were putting our proposal to the council and I pray to god it's good considering it's the only idea we have.
"And now for the dance club Elle and y/n Evans and Lee Flynn." The posh British lady said.
"Heheheh you have an accent!" Lee said doing his own British accent. I giggle and Elle hits us both. Elle flicks through her cards making a big speech before lee blurts it out shouting "kissing booth."
"Ok I think I stand for everyone when I say kissing is the number one thing for germs and cold saws..." the smart boy blabbered on and on clearly salty he hasn't been kissed yet. I roll my eyes as the OMG girls expressed there discussed
"Excuse me would you be working the booth?" One of the geeky guys asked the three of us elle and Lee were quick to say no but I came out with
" I'll be there! I mean I'll do it! What's the harm right it's just a kiss!" Fuck me I'm scared and I feel my friends eyes on me.
"Sweet!" He said before going back to writing some stuff down
" we also have some other A listers" Elle smiles
"Would Flynn be doing it?" One of them asked
Lee was about to say no but Elle butted in
"Yes Flynn will be there!"
*time skip *
It was yet another Sunday and we were having dinner with the Flynn's.
"How are my gorgeous girls?" Mrs Flynn says to us I smile before looking toward my dad who was talking to Noah about football and fights at school.
"What happened?" My dad asked curiously.
Oh fuck!
" just something that happened at football camp."
"Anyway y/n tell me any boys in the picture?" Mrs Flynn asks my dads interest in our conversation suddenly seems to spike.
"Ummm not really I'm doing the kissing booth I guess!" I say my eyes flicker to lee but I quickly look back at Mrs Flynn not wanted her or anyone else to know that talking about boys always made me think of almost kissing lee.
Just as we were talking and laughing the food came and damn it looked good.
Lee had some sort of pasta it looked so good I had a steak and some chips. I could see lee staring at my food so I cut a little bit off pushed it on my fork and slowly moved it towards Lee's face his eyes were wide and glistening like he had been waiting for me to give him some of my food for hours but right at the last minute I'll pulled my fork back and shoved it into my mouth!
"Hahahaha your face!" I laughed and with that lee took his fork and began to devour my steak.
"Noooooo leeeeeee I'm hungry!" I whine but lucky he smirked and gave me some pasta to make up for eating half my steak. I laugh and looked up to see Elle glaring at me.
"Hey y/n can I talk to you!" Elle asked as we walked away from the table.
" look rule number nine is important ok so back off of lee!" She snapped
"Hey I'm being his friend what's wrong with that!" I snapped back she glared at me again.
"Stop flirting with him y/n or I'm gonna be so cross with you I won't speak to you for a week!" She growled this was rich coming from here.
"Like you care about rule nine Elle your eye fucking Noah all the time!" And with that Elle slapped me hard across the face.
I walked back to the table aware of the hand print on my face and the tears threatening  to fall I grabbed my jacket and said.
" I'm really sorry I have athletics I forgot I had to do thank you for the meal I had a lovely time." And rushed out the restraunt.

Me and Elle haven't spoken since then unless we had to so in front of dad or lee we would share a few words nothing really or meaningful just a yeah or fine. And now here we are painting a sign for the kissing booth to be completely honest I wanted to be any where else right now.
"Our booth will kick ass!" Lee smiled I just nod before continuing to paint
"Also news update Mia stopped me in the hall and said she's going to the party tonight she wanted to make sure I'd be there!" Lee smiled and I think my heart just broke.
"Can you give me a ride tonight?" Elle asked
"No I can't I'm taking my parents to the air port Noah can tho! Come on convince him to do the booth!" Lee smiles
Elle was at practice and me and Lee were driving home.
"Is everything alright?" Lee asked looking at me. I just nod not feeling like lying to him. "It's just after the dinner you left in a rush and we'll this whole kissing booth thing you and Elle not talking!" He rambled
"I'm fine Lee me and Elle will be done with fighting I'm sure it was over something stupid anyway. And as for the kissing booth I might as well it's the only way anyone will fucking kiss me!" I chuckle trying to hide the sobs I wanted to let out instead.
"Hey come on you know there are tons of boys that would kiss you if Noah.."
"Hadn't threaten them? Yeah thanks Noah!" I sigh
"Hey come on let's go take my parents together it will be nice! I'll even buy you some ice cream ?" He smiles I smile back I felt bad because i did like him but I still wanted to be friends and if that meant no flirting I could live with that I want Elle to be happy and lee too so I will pretend he's not the boy I love and just a friend. Yeah I can do that.
" well isn't this a lovely surprise two for the price of one!" Lee's dad laughs ruffling my hair.
"Isn't it just!" His mum laughs
We played music and helped them with their luggage before heading to the ice cream shop.
"Two cones please, one with chocolate and Carmel and the other one with two scoops of mint choco chip!" Lee asked the old lady behind the counter.
"Of course my dear! Oh you two are such a lovely couple!" She smiles at me both of us burst out laughing.
"No, we're just close friends!" I giggle she shakes her head.
"I've seen the way you look at each other friends is for now but a future couple is what I see!" She smiles handing lee the ice creams. I look at lee thank the lady and leave.
"She's of her nut !" I giggle
" she was talking like Yoda!"   Lee chuckled
" oh god Lee I've got to get home!" I say looking at my phone and with that we zoomed home. As I was getting out the car lee stoped me.
"Hey y:n, I like seeing you happy! You know you can always talk to me about anything right! I do understand how much older siblings can suck!" He chuckled giving me a small peck on the cheek. I blush like crazy probably looking like a tomatoe before rushing in side.

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