Chapter 6

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I could tell Elle was hiding something but it didn't matter I wouldn't say anything because I had to look out for lee. We were at the beach having a party Noah and Elle were playing eyeball tennis they were both trying to make each other look at one an other make them jealous so I guess they were having fun i don't know. I look at lee who's smiling before I run and jump down the slip and slide beating Ollie to the bottom. I was drinking dancing and having a good time. Before I knew it, it was late. Warren was hanging around Elle all of a sudden Noah looked as if he was gonna start a fight. And he did Elle ran away noah speeding after her. I roll my eyes trying to ignore them. I grab another drink and quickly down it. I look around seeing lee and run up to him.
"Hey bestie!!!!!!!" I shout lee laughs
"Hello drunk y/n !" We giggle and laugh dancing together I would be lying if I said I wanted to just be friends but oh well. 
Before long night  turned into morning. 
We were going to decorate the prom banner together but Elle wasn't at home so I have no ideas where she could be.
"Hey you still wearing your clothes?" Lee asks my sister!
"Yeah ?" She reply's clearly worried.
"Ok cool." I shout grabbing Lee's hand as we both jump off his balcony into the pool.
We dried off but lee spoke about the lock on elles phone got me thinking why does she have a lock. She never used to, is there a boyfriend I mean she's been sneaking out a lot but she would have told us right ?
"Hey I've got to go!" Elle says leaving quickly.
" I guess it's just us too then!" Lee laughs and we begin to decorate the prom posters.
" no lee not like that!" I giggle as I watch him draw boobs on the poster! We laugh like four year olds before actually getting on with some work. I reached for the glue but so did Lee and our hands grabbed each other's I felt a tingle in my arm before lee pulled away. "Rule nine" he muttered to himself.
" yeah rule nine!" I say just above a whisper. "Hey lee I should go! Sorry I'm just not feeling it right now!" And with that I ran home just needing some alone time. I quickly ran into my room before putting on some music and singing my heart out then it came to she used to be mine from waitress and all I could do was sing and cry I felt like everything was changing my sister kept things from me, I had feeling for lee and mum was gone but when we were little the three of us were happy nothing separated us what happened. I began to sob wishing my mum was here to talk to. 
*time skip*
I was staying over at Lee's Elle had told me she was with the omg girls today so I was gonna have a sleep over with Lee id sleep in the spare room of course so Elle wouldn't feel uncomfortable and well we were having a good time till we hear moaning from Noah's room.
"Classic Noah different girl every weak and they don't even care who's in the house!" Lee whispered to me. I made a sick face to him and he just smiled pulling me away from the door and down the stairs ready to watch a movie together and although we were snuggled up I knew if Elle came through that door we would be able to explain it away as just friends because that's all we were.
Me and Lee were hanging out more and more on our own and I had to admit although I was confused as to where Elle was I still enjoyed my time with lee.
He was even teaching me the dance game and I had to admit it was pretty fun. I was getting the moves and with Lee guiding me it was always a fun experience. The theee of us were going to prom as friends now which is cool.
*Time skip  *
Me and Lee walked into his house laughing and giggling we walk into Noah's room to ask if he'd seen Elle which clearly he had as she was there with a cut on her face.
"What's going on!" Lee asks clearly mad
"Omg Elle what happened to your face?" I ask feeling the worry grow faster by the second.
" I had an accident and Noah offered to help!" She stuttered
I looked at lee who was now glaring at his brother " did you do that to her?" He ask calmly "did you hit her?"
Noah looked shocked " do you really think I could do that ?"
"Well I wouldn't put it past you!" The Flynn bothers we're now in a screaming match over Elle and Elle pathetic attempts to stop it was doing nothing
"I swear to god if you laid a hand on her!" And with that Noah flew at lee I pushed Lee back and Elle got in between the two trying desperately to stop them. Lee looked confused as Elle asked Noah to look at her.
We headed out side and all I could do was watch.
"Is there something going on between you two?" He ask Elle I could hear the pain in his voice and I hoped there wasn't but deep down I knew the answer was yes.
"Nothing is going on!" Elle said I don't believe her and I don't think Lee does either but I took her word Elle went to grab her things and we went to start the car.
I walk in with Lee only to see them kissing tears in my eyes I hear lee shout.
"What the duck!"
"Lee please I can explain!" Elle says
"Your Unbelievable!" I sigh walking out with lee
" wait no , Lee y/n wait please" she begs I keep walking to Lee's car
"This is what you've been keeping from me?" Lee's asks I feel so hurt and betrayed just like lee my own sister lied to me.
"Lay off her lee!" Noah chimed in
" oh of course you'd have something to say! Don't even fucking start!" I shout feeling annoyed that he had the nervous to shout at lee.
" your treating her like some slut that you meet at the club!" Lee shouts to his brother.
I can see the anger boiling up in Noah if he hits lee I'm gonna kick his ass I swear.
"So your telling me you two haven't slept together?" He asks Elle looks down clearly ashamed.
" you really have been fucking my bother and lying to me." He shouts
" your acting like a hurt little bitch!" Noah shouts lee punches him before a full on fight breaks out I put my self between Noah and lee. Noah screaming at me to move. I tell him to hit me because I think he's a piece of shit just like Elle is and he does he pushes me out the way and throws lee to the floor Elles crying for Noah to get off him as lee struggles .
Noah gets off of lee and me and Lee look at Elle before we run to his car.
" some much for rule number nine hey?" I ask her she knew how I felt for Lee and pushed me telling me I was wrong and mean and ruining everything when she had done this.
" you know my whole life Noah has gotten everything and you know what the only thing he didn't have was you two! But now he has you and all I have is y/n guess I'll protect her from doing what you did!" He told Elle.
"Lee" she sobs
"It's ok you two deserve each other!" He says starting the engine.
" y/n , please." She cries tears are streaming down my face.
" you know how I felt about lee and I got pushed around and shouted at by you I put your feelings, our friendship first, how stupid am I when you didn't care about the rules huh? Go away Elle I don't think I can look at you right now." I cry looking at lee who begins to drive away. I didn't know where we are going but I didn't want stop and think about it.
" where do we go y/n ?" He asks me he's voice shaking.
" I have a small spot it's a cave in the beach?" I try smile but I couldn't Lee rests his hand on my thigh.
" ok let's go!" He smiles sadly.
I guide him the way to the cave and we finally get there I go behind my rock and pull out the pillows and blankets I had stuffed there for when I came here upset.
" it's lovely!" Lee sighed I didn't say a word just hugged him and he hugged me tightly.
" did you mean it ?" He asked me
" mean what?" I asked feeling worried I too had upset him.
" that you liked me?" He whispered
" I didn't like you I loved you Lee and I still do but I never acted on it because I know rule number nine means a lot and I didn't want Elle to break a rule because I broke the rules I'm sorry Lee this must be my fault." I rambled I just couldn't stop myself.
"Y/n shut up I love you too I have for ages!" And with that he leaned in slowly cupping my face like I had at the kissing booth but this wasn't a peck it was a snog filled with passion and love. My arms looped over his neck as I pulled him closer to me.

We spent the whole day driving and talking I wanted Lee to feel better that was all I cared about. My hand rested on his thigh as we drove for hours before stopping at the beach and sitting watching the sunset.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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