Chapter 43 - Immortality

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"What do you understand of immortality, and of an everlasting eternity?"

Humanity and society developing, history and culture becoming lost within time and eroding away. All things come and go, but only for those who are born with a place in the Cycle Realms.

As for one creature, he was not so lucky. The creature with large horns escalating out the top of his crown, and who split the moon in two.

From the moment he was born, he was cursed with immortality.

Today marked the first day of December in America, meaning the entire city—and pretty much the entire country finally prepared for Christmas. And this creature found the holiday and circumstances to be the perfect change the direction of forever.

And it all began with a familiar feeling.

"It's December 1st, meaning we only have one month left in America," Namjoon informed the mentors and Naja, who sat around the wooden table so early in the morning the sun hadn't even risen. Of course, it was his idea.

"How much left of the destruction needs to be taken care of?" Seokjin asked, twirling a pen through two of his fingers.

"The stadium I believe is all that's left. Yoonji's shields were enough to only cause slight damage to the upper seating areas," Namjoon explained and Yoonji hummed. "I shields didn't do all the work," she chuckled.

"Right. We have to remind ourselves that we did as much as we could. Or at least...some of us," Namjoon turned in Yonghwan's direction. In these situations, the man would either have his feet up on the table shrugging off the conversation, or not even show up. But to Namjoon's surprise, Yonghwan sat up fairly and gave a small nod. "Of course..." he whispered in reply.

Namjoon stared at him for a moment, before shaking it off. "Anyway, until then, the students should be allowed their freedoms. I know we scheduled a museum trip for them...but they aren't children. They can do without."

Naja's shoulders slumped at that, "ah, how disappointing, though I understand. Around the alliance there should be enough History for them. American history may not be needed, but as the future of the world...they must understand the Alliance."

"If they choose," Yonghwan spoke up.

"I'm sorry...?"

"If these students choose to pursue in the Alliance," Yonghwan added, sitting up farther to lean his elbows on the table. "Believe it or not, Naja, the Alliance of the Worlds isn't for every extraordinary hero."

Naja huffed, "oh Skye...must you always have something to say?" she almost mumbled, but said loud enough to be clear. "It's a common understanding that if a hero seems fit, they're beyond barriers that cannot be upscale to the Alliance. Extraordinary students such as yours are candidates...wether they like it or not, if it's their be it."

Yonghwan hummed, "and if they don't align with destiny, yet are still...'extraordinary'?"

"Those types of people become like you, Skye," Naja responds. "Lonely, because destiny chose wrong."

Yonghwan wasn't the only mentor in the room taken back, as were the others who glanced around with wide eyes.

"And I'm not crazy after all. You're still bitter aren't you?" Yonghwan almost laughed, but held back. Self control. "For someone who knows so care so much for my affairs."

"How can you blame me? Especially when you've got the blood of the innocent on your hands," Naja continued, her face becoming all the more darker. Yonghwan's hands itched, curling into small fists.

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