Chapter 2 *uwu*

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Edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2021
Proof Read!


Harry walked to Hagrid's cabin, and waited outside with his fellow Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students for him to come out (no pun intended). He noticed Luna standing under a tree and walked to her.

Luna was a Ravenclaw student with white-blonde hair and blue eyes. Harry liked her because she dressed in the funkiest manner possible, with a lot of confidence. She was unique and kind. He met her in his 3rd year in Care of Magical Creatures.

"Hi Luna, how are you? How were the holidays?" asked Harry.

"Hi Harry, I'm actually great, I just met Ginny after a long time. My dad and I went on a vacation over the holidays, Egypt and all. It was pretty nice. How are you?" asked Luna in a dreamy voice.

"I'm great, great."

Harry liked Luna's voice. It sounded like she was dreaming while having the conversation. It was soothing and calming. Ginny was Luna's girlfriend, a red-headed with three brothers. Percy and Fred-and-George (they were twins). The twins had a joke shop and Harry thought they were really cool. Percy worked in the ministry. He wasn't as cool, but it was fine. Ginny's whole family were red-headed, they stood out from everyone.

Hagrid came out of his cabin and announced that this month, they are going to learn about Knarls and how to differentiate them from hedgehogs. And also how to feed them.

Harry being himself, immediately thought of Louis when he heard the word hedgehog. Damn him, he can't control it, Louis' feather-like hair looks like a hedgehog's quils. He tried to ignore his mind, which apparently wanted to obsess over Louis, and carried on with his lesson.

Somewhere between during Hagrid's speech, Harry noticed a boy, standing couple of feet away from him. He knew who he was with one look. He was in Ravenclaw, black hair with dark complexion. God definitely showed off while creating him. He was gorgeous, sometimes it felt like he was god himself. With beautiful brown eyes. Harry didn't know his name though. Was it Zack? Zen? Ringo? He really didn't know.

He isn't Harry's friend. He doesn't even know Harry. Harry knows about him because every girl in this damn school has a crush on him and the boy doesn't give a fuck. That's not the only reason though. There was a rumor previous year, that he and Louis had something going on between them, some 'friends with benefits' shit, but Harry just thinks its all bullshit.

He tries to stop getting distracted again and again, and starts to pay attention to the lesson.

The day goes on slow. After Care of Magical Creatures, he had Divination with Ravenclaw again and then Astronomy.

At dinner Harry saw Niall, Liam, Ginny and Luna sitting at the Gryffindor table. He decided to eat with them. He went there, strolling around the tables. Liam was the first one to notice Harry and he broke out into a cheerful smile, full of life.

"Hello to you too, Liam" Harry grinned.

"Hey mate, sit down, we were just waiting for you." Liam said with a smile plastered onto his face.

Harry sat down and looked around, at his friends. Luna and Ginny were indulged in their own conversation. They looked like they were in their own little bubble. Niall, on the other hand, was trying the greet Harry but due the his mouth being full with beans, he was only able to utter gibrish like- 'ullo ayee, oot oo see ya mae.'

At that Harry made a loud sound- maybe a mix between a cackle and a snort, who knows to be honest. And covered his mouth in embarrassment. The whole Gryffindor table was staring at him and he wanted to melt into a pool of embarrassment and die.

He quickly finished his dinner so that he could hide under his bed sheets forever. When he was done he quickly said his byes to all of his friends, stating he just wanted to go and have a quiet one, as soon as possible.

He rushed out of the great hall when he bumped into something, or maybe someone, he didn't know because he was in a hurry (duh).

Maybe? (L.S.) *Harry's Pov*Where stories live. Discover now