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Well HEYlO :)! I know you just want to get on and read but plz just sit through this brief update K? Cool...

1. SO i've decided EVERY weekend I will post atleast on chapter to one of my stories.. YAY! If I don't just assume I'm dead....

2.  YOU READING THIS RIGHT NOW! check out my other book shadows it hasn't been getting much reads lately :( ITS SO EPIC THOUGH!

3. I HAVE 2 NEW PROJECTS COMING UP! WOOHHOOOO! So pretty soon I will start two new books on called Lucid, and Beautiful Murderer [ possibly only a temp. name ] which may or may not be a collab with Kara idk kik me kara..

4. YOU YOU YOUUU! fan me now ... IM SERIOUS THOUGH even if you don't like this story I've 1 right now and 2 more in the future and you should be notified of when that time is if you fan me :)!




           For once I didn't have a wierd nightmare that I remebered. So I was a bit surprised when I randomly woke up a 4 o clock. Not just slowly woke up, I abruplty sat up for no reason. Which would be perfectly fine... execpt there was more.


          According to my Mom when I was in the comma I sleep walked into the woods and fell asleep. My guess is that I was actually awake, and I wasn't walking at my own free will. Cause that's what was happening. I had no control over any part of my body.  The terrifying fact was I slowly drifting into unconcoiusness. Not again not again was repeating in my head but it was starting to fade out. I was in the woods now almost exactly where I had fallen into a comma. At of the corner of my eye I saw the little girl, suddenly I gained control of my head and saw the girl close up. It wasn't terrifying she was beautiful. She looked like she was my age I don't know why she seemed so young earlier, her bright green eyes drew me in, it was like I was part of her. Her golden hair made her pratically perfection. But something wasn't right, my eyes were drawn into her deeper and deeper. I couldn't look away no matter how hard I tried.

           It was like me and her were entering each others mind. We were connected. My legs were going weak. I needed to figure out what was going on so I could stop it before I miss another 6 years off my life. I ran over all the possibilities in my head.

1. I was sleeping

          I bit my lip since I couldn't pinch myself... I wasn't dreaming.

2. I was being.. Possesed?


         Was that the best thing you could think of in this situation? I asked myself. But it made sense, much more sense than all the other things in my life. If a ghost girl can appear in my room every night.. who's to say possesion isn't real? I sighed.. I was crazy.. but even if this in my mind I'm not gonna let myself get possesed. I screamed in frustration and fear. It echoes.  Suddenly time stops... My eyes are open but every thing is competely black. I can't move, I can tell I'm not breathing but I don't feel it. Was my heart even beating? I couldn't tell. Was I dead? I didn't think so.. Then I new though occured to me. It blew my mind, I hadn't even considered it before. Just the thought of it made my head wan't to explode!

          What if..? What if I never woke up. What if when I was in the hospital, I hadn't awaken, I  was still in a comma. Than all this ghost stuff.. all the nightmares, I could forget about cause when I wake everything will be normal. This is all just one giant lucid dream. [ lucid dream is a dream where you are aware you are dreaming and you control the dream.] How will I know when I'm really awake with all these "false awakenings?" I thought. It didn't matter all I had to do was force my eyes open and I would be... Awake.



         My eyes opened gently, my vision was no longer black. It was hazy and faded. I was light headed and numb. But I was relaxed. I let my head roll back. I didn't want to think. I just wanted to lie in my weakness. I felt so weightless, like I could float up and vanish into the clouds. Eventually my vision slowly got clearer, I could make out my surroundings. A forest, MY FOREST. It was exactly how I remebered when I was 6. A little fairy tale land. Trees perfectly green. The constant singing of birds. The sun shining thought into one stop. A circle in the midst of trees, where all the leaves fell. That was where I was now. I just wanted to dance and spin around it. Was I awake finally? Was it really all a dream?

       " It's just how I remeber it too," Said  a voice from behind me. I jump to my feet screaming. The girl was behind me.. again. What was wrong with me? Either A. Everything was and is a dream. Or B. I really did wake up in the hospital and something very very strange was happening to me.

        She smiled and cocked to her head to side. " Well I suppose this is escalated pretty quickly for you?" She laughed.

         She thought for a second, I stood frozen in shock and a bunch of other emotions I couldn't possibly describe. A whirpool of fear, confusion, frustration, shock, curiousity, and a million other things I just can't find the words for.

         " Tell me..." she starts, " What do I look like to you?"

          " Uhh," I was not in the position to think," Perfect... Perfect but faded. Like a ghost! But i;m assuming you are one?"

           She sighed. She was delicate and graceful like a fairy, but if you look into her eyes.. you know she has a story to tell. My guess is, it wasn't a fairytale.

          " Yes.. a ghost, I didn't expect it to be like this.."

         " Care for an explanation?" I needed to know, I couldn't survive not knowing much longer.

        " I don't know where to start.." she said faintly and sadly.

         " How about how you took half my life away, and I DON'T KNOW," my voice raised with hysteria and I was choking on tears, " How your trying to possess me and almost ended up succedding?!?! AND WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW?"

         I shivered in the night air.

         She swallowed and thought for a moment, " I was asleep for those 6 years too, I was trying to possess you but you were too strong. You SEEMED weak enough... ghosts have to prey on the weak. So we merged together and followed my "ghost path" basically you witnessed my death over and over and over. And-and-and.. I just.. can't explain it all, not now.. not ever would be good.."

       " You owe me and explanation," I said as calmly as I could.

       She didn't seem so gentle anymore, " I don't owe you anything! I'm just going to possess you anyway!"

        " But.. WHY? Your 13 you were innocent why would  you do this to me.. and you won't even tell me what's going on and... aren't you gui-gui-guilty?" I shout through tears.

        " I am guily you just don't understand.. you would if I explained it all," she started her eyes tearing up. I saw a clear droplet fall down her white dress," I guess I have too... I just can't end it like this I couldn't bear the guilt... I guess a good place to start.. is the beginning."


WOW THAT ESCALATED PRETTY FREAKING QUICKLY. I know i'm going fast but I like it like that! It will die down soon so your little heads dont hurt! well um fan me maybe? BYESIES! ~ Brookly




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2013 ⏰

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