CHAPTER 1 .... When it all began

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I will warn you this may be rather confusing..... read SLLOWWLLYY ... this chapter is going back in time before Aria was put in a comma as a 6-year-old AND THE CHARACTER IN THIS CHAPTER IS NOT ARIA... my twitter is @Brookly4EVER

           Chapter 1 When it all began

                    BANG BANG BANG someone was knocking hard on our front door... then it was forced open... men in white lab coats entered our house. There were atleast ten my little sister Misty short for Misteria.. who was 7-years-old was walking down the stairs as our door was ripped open and walked right into one of the men. My Mom appeared by my side and screamed.

                  One of the men grabbed my sister by the waist and pulled her to him, to other men tied very strong rope around her wrist as she screamed and cried.

                 "We are taking this girl... she will live but you will never see her again.... the rest of your family will be spared if you never tell anyone what happened. We are from a secret government human testing group.. the police can't help you. If anyonr is told about this we will know... and none of you will be spared including this girl," Said the man holding Misty.

                  She was still kicking and screaming as she was dragged out the door, " Mommy save me!!!!! Brooklynn don't let them take me......"

                   13 year old Brooklynn  woke up from her nightmare. It was actually more of a recallation... she had had that dream over and over again for months, because it actually happened. Her sister was taken from them and her mother forbid her to tell anyone... everyone was told she disappeared in the night. It turns out the government camp was hidden underground in woods only a half mile away from her house. Atleast that where she saw the men dissapear.

                But Brooklynn had woken up from her nightmare... only to be confronted with another one.. that was exactly happening. An alien like creature flew into her window shattering the glass and entering her room. It was like E.T. only 100 percent more horrifying. She had a pretty good idea what it was… A mutant creature escaping from the human experimentation factory. Sadly, that was a logical explanation from her case.

           In tears and screaming she ran downstairs and out of the house…. Her mother following shortly after. Dammit! She thought, first my sister….. than 6 months later they let this happen…

         Brooklynn was consumed by pure hatred… but things only got worse… once outside she noticed that there were alteast 300 more flying mutant creatures attacking the neighbor…. There were 7 other houses in the neighborhood and every single house was empty with survivors screaming and running outside. We all ran up the street as fast as we could.

       I saw atleast 50 of the scientists trying to kill the mutants and lighting the whole neighborhood on fire. By the time I reached the street sign Meadow Lane I was exhausted. I looked behind me to see…. No survivors… My Mom… my whole neighborhood I grew up in was burned to death…. Or eaten alive.

      I didn’t have time to cry…. Skinny brown strong hands with huge claws grabbed my necked…. And strached at my neck… I whimpered and screamed as I fell to the ground… and took One. Last. Breathe.

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