See Me After Class

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you know all of those great loves you always read about? the scandalous and the pure; the exciting and the boring; the happily ever after and the happily never after. the ones that go through trials before they even start and the ones that struggle in the midst of all the magic.

this is not one of those stories. nonetheless, ours was a great love. it is a great love. there was not a single thing right about it, but we didn't care. it's not like i was underrage. i was eighteen within the first month of school, and we didn't even become anything until much much later. oh, but we felt something and we felt something right from the start.

it all started that third monday of my thirteenth school year. it all started when he left a note in his neat, all-caps handwriting that read SEE ME AFTER CLASS.


Harry Styles A.U. fanfic

lowercase intended


okay so this is a new Harry AU that I'm super excited to start!! I know I have 3 now that are up and waiting, and a fourth that I have a plot outline for that's not even up, but hey.

I plan to write like crazy this summer, so, we'll see!

Copyright © 2015 by 5secofstfu
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

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