forgive & forget

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imagine jamming at a concert next to mr. styles *insert suggestive glace*


i remember how taken aback i was that my english teacher was in some small club in the city to see a band that almost no one knew about. his relaxed demeanor was so different from his serious one that he had at school. instead of his tight button down shirts he always wore, he was in a classic band shirt and some skinny jeans. mr. styles was definitely not mr. styles tonight; he was an entirely different person.

as i stood there in awe of this tall, noodly man, he looked around the room, not speaking. finally, he spoke up and said, "sorry for bumping into you. wesley, is it?"

caught off-guard, i stuttered, "oh, no you're good and y-yeah. i'm surprised you know my name already. most teachers take weeks to remember."

he slipped his hands into the back pockets of jeans and looked to the side, lightly laughing. "ah yes, but i'm not most teachers."

"well," i had started, "that was kind of obvious. mainly because you're at a monochromatic filter concert on a saturday. speaking of which, how do you even know them?"

he had a mock expression of offense on his face and replied with a chuckle, "i don't know. i'd like to think i'm pretty hip. and music is my specialty."

i found myself enchanted by him and the way he spoke and carried himself. like i already said, it was so much different than how he was in class. the two people were so completely contrary to each other; they were polar opposites. we got along immediately and talked like old friends, never having to painfully go through awkward silences. the odd thing was that we really didn't talk about much. i hadn't even begun to know what was going inside that head of his.

his eyes had been a dark evergreen in the low lighting, and shadows were playing off of his tanned skin. the contrast of everything was distracting. while everything around me was underlit, his white teeth were luminous. and somehow the darkness was even greater as it made his jawline more pronounced. the short sleeves of the tee-shirt he wore showed off his toned arms that were usually covered.

i definitely, one-hundred percent, began to understand why so many girls were in love with him. and they hadn't even known this side of him that i then did. he was magnetic and i never went back to the front of the room. we talked for the remainder of the time between acts as we stood off to the side of the room.

when the band finally came out, our conversation halted abruptly. the energy that was coming from both of us was exciting and new. we sang at the top of our lungs to each song, dancing and jumping like idiots. his dance moves were questionable at times, but you could tell that he couldn't care less what anyone there thought of him; it was inspiring. occasionally we would turn and just sing in each other's faces, smiling until our faces hurt.

the music was loud and exciting. i was filled with a feeling that i had forgotten. atmospheres like this had a way of moving me in an indescribable way. each time i went to a new concert, i was reminded how incredible music truly was. "it is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. it has the beauty of loneliness, of pain; of strength and freedom." it was so many things and nothing at all.

i had no idea what monday would be like. what would we do when we walked into class? act casual? act like we didn't become friends or like we didn't erase that line that lies between student and teacher? well, the obvious answer was yes; that night never happened.

the two of us waited for the room to clear out once the show was over. a silence had hung thick between us as we both stood there in thought. i knew he was thinking of a way to explain himself; of a way to tell me to just forget any of this happened. students and teachers can't have relations outside of class, and that was that.

he finally broke out into a crooked smile and asked, "erm, are you parked around here?"

"uh, just a few blocks over," i mumbled.

"i'll walk you to your car then?" he stated like a question, unsure of my reaction.

"yeah, um, thank you. yeah."

his offer had comforted me, knowing i didn't have to walk alone. though he wasn't much of a bodyguard type, he was a guy and that was better than nothing. once again, it was silent, but that time it was somewhat pleasant.

as we made our way to my car, i spoke up, "you actually are cool, you know." clearly surprised, he raised his eyebrows at me as he laughed. i could've sworn i heard him say to himself, 'no fucking way'.

when we reached the meter that my car was parked at, i turned to him to thank him for walking me.

he raised his hands at me and said, "it was my pleasure. goodnight, wesley."

"goodnight mr. styles."

he began to walk away, but in the middle of the street he turned around and shouted, "don't forget to pick your books for the semester!"

"goodnight mr. styles."

i rolled my eyes with a smile plastered on my face. i climbed into my car and made my way home, not knowing what any of this meant.



i swear to yahweh that the chapters will be longer soon. i also apologize for any errors because i am lazy and don't proofread soooo.

there was something i wanted to say at the end of this chapter but i forgot it. lol.

xx. ash

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