pen & paper

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imagine mr. styles' ringtone goes off during class, and instead of silencing it, he just starts dancing to the beat.


conferencing really did take three periods. it was incredible that he had so much to discuss over just a list of books. i had to sit idly as literally everyone met with mr. styles before me. he had some busy work for us, but i always got it done much too soon. silence kept me company as the people around me focused on their assignments. no one ever again spoke about mr. styles like they had that first day. at least, around me they didn't.

my turn came suddenly, at the very end of the class. there was only five minutes left, but i was the last one.

i heard him call, "wesley?'" as he looked up from his desk.

my feet were slow to carry me towards the front of the room. i felt as though everyone's eyes were on me, but i knew that it was all in my head. i had yet to determine what our interactions would be like, so i just had to wait and see. mr. styles and i hadn't spoken privately since the night of the concert. i wanted to get to know him so badly, but that clearly couldn't happen.

the chair that was positioned next to him was waiting for me. slowly, i lowered myself onto the cold, hard, plastic seat and finally looked up at him. his kind, emerald eyes met mine as the hint of a smile formed on his features. my list of books sat in front of him, and i studied him as he began to look puzzled.

"what's wrong?" i asked, suddenly concerned.

"noth-- nothing. it's just that, you picked a very odd selection of books. did you actually look at what you were highlighting?" i could hear irritation in his voice. he thought i had paid no attention to the assignment and chosen randomly. the 'i expected more from you' was bound to come.

i spoke up, saying, "no, i swear i went over the list. i've just read everything else."

he was about to reply, but then his mouth just hung open. his gaze moved from me, back down to the sheet.

"all of them?" he asked in an astonished tone.

the bell rang, and everyone filed out the door, heading on their way home or to their last class. it was now quiet around us, and the halls were beginning to empty just as fast as they had filled up..

finally i broke the silence, "hand me the list."

i looked for a pen and marked each story that i had already read onto the paper:
pygmalion//george bernard shaw
twelfth night//william shakespeare
our mutual friend//charles dickens
jane eyre//charlotte bronte
much ado about nothing//william shakespeare
the kite runner//khaled hosseini
great expectations//charles dickens
the dollmaker//harriette arnow
romeo and juliet//william shakespeare
a tale of two cities//charles dickens
daisy miller//henry james
atonement//ian mcewan
the things they carried//tim o'brien
pride and prejudice//jane austen
anna karenina//leo tolstoy

as i handed the list of books back to him, i could see that he was impressed.

"i'm surprised there isn't more shakespeare on here...i pegged you as a shakespeare sort of girl," he mumbled almost to himself.

"well i am," i began, "but i don't want to read all of them too soon, so i only read two of his plays per year.

"ahh there we go," he mused as he sat up straight and smiled, clearly proud of his correct assumption. "so, with your choices, you won't have much work for this semester. here are your prompts; you can read and write before the deadlines, which i suggest, but it won't kill you if you wait either. i have a feeling you, wesley, will have most of this done by thanksgiving break."

"i don't know if it'll be done that soon, but around that time sounds right," i replied as i began to gather my things. i didn't want to leave yet. talking to him was so lovely, even if it was about nothing. "do you not have a class this period?"

his head shot up, surprised that i had continued to make conversation instead of leaving the room. "erm, no, i don't. this is my allotted planning time, i guess. do you need a pass for your next teacher?"

"oh, no, i have early release this period. occasionally i stay to work in the library..." i trailed off.

"fun," was all he said in response, giving me my cue to leave. only three or so feet out of the door, i hear him call after me ((he had a terrible habit of thinking to say things too late)), "i can recommend some books for independent reading; if you'd like!" a small smile crept onto my face.

i had wished things were more relaxed between the two us. it had been like we wanted to sit and talk for hours on end, but didn't. several times, i noticed his face light up as if he was going to bring something up, but he never did. as i walked to my truck, i mentally beat myself up, annoyed that i hadn't tried to create more conversation. of all the things i could have brought up, i asked if he taught a class during eighth period when he clearly didn't.

walking through the deserted halls, i somehow managed to bump into lance. a book was knocked into and flew from my hands, but he managed to catch it and give it back to me. while i tried to readjust, he began to stare at me.

"what do you want?" i snapped. this boy had a habit of irritating me before he even spoke.

"do you not have a class this period either?" he asked, obviously not about to keep the conversation brief.

"yes, that would be why i'm heading towards the main entrance with my keys in my hand. next question."

"very funny, welsey. i'm not trying to interrogate you here. if i really am annoying you that much, then just say so," he offered.

i once again felt bad for how i was treating him. i didn't know what to say, so i looked away awkwardly.

lance chuckled and continued, "so i'm not that bad then... wesley, what happened to you? you used to be fun to be around, but now you're just kind of a mystery that no one can figure out."

"you know what happened, lance. everyone knows," i spat.

leaving no time for him to respond to what i had said, i continued towards my car. when i finally got onto the highway, i let out a deep breath. the last hour had been a long one.



i'm late. as usual. i'm sorry. just trying to take advantage of and enjoy my senior year!!! thank you so so much to anyone reading this story. you rock.

xx. ashton

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