Morgan Katsopolis

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I had a boy, and I called him Dally. I got lots of names from him, he called me Morgan, Baby, Love, Princess, and Darling. I know that he needed me, and I needed him too. You don't know why, but you will sooner rather than later. 

"Here we are," Dad announced as we pulled into the drive of a big, white picket fence house 
"Oh my god, it's awesome!" Alex grinned opening his door before he ran up to the front of the house, eagerly waiting for Mom to follow with the key. I sat there in my seat looking at all the Mustangs and Rolls Royce in the driveways of all our neighbors "cmon Bugs, let's get un-packed," Dad coaxed, opening my door for me to climb out

"Dad, don't get me wrong it's beautiful but could we have bought a house in any snobbier of neighborhoods?" I asked while jumping out of the truck, my truck was already parked by the street, the movers must have unloaded it already. I tried to be positive, hoping that I could at least enjoy my weekend before school. "Come here, I know everyone looks like a snob but we are doing this so you can have the same experiences your mother had as a kid" he explained as we walked to the front door, my lips pursed into a smile, for Dad. I appreciate everything they do for me, god I'm such an ungrateful bitch, aren't I?
 "Go pick out your room and then get outta here and make some friends" Mom ordered with a hint of sarcasm to her tone, I knew she was serious, she knew how my social anxiety kept me inside a lot of the time. She doesn't understand the fact that I actually don't mind being alone

I walked up the stairs of the house, down the long hall of rooms, eventually stopping in front of one. I opened the door and saw a beautiful room with baby blue walls and a large bay window running down one side "I call dibs on this one," my voice carried loudly through the house, a grin crept onto my lips, the sky was beautiful from here. I ran into my room, threw my backpack on the bed, and darted straight for the window so I could get a better view of the sky. While admiring the light dust of pink that started in the clouds as it became later and later at night, I saw two girls walking down the road, both of them dressed in skirts and sweaters with nicely done hair. 

Maybe if I go down and introduce myself Mom will get off my case, and I might end up actually liking them. When I opened the door the girls were nearly past the house, I ran down to the end of the driveway and waved at the girls "Hey," I said simply, smiling to show them I meant well. The girls looked my way and smiled, one of them raised a hand to wave at me before they stopped walking "Hi, are you new here?" the red-haired girl asked me, I nodded "Yeah we just moved here," explaining with a small smile the girls grinned "Well I'm Sherri, but you can call me Cherry; all my friends do! And this is Marcia. Do you want to come with us on a walk and we can show you around?" Cherry asked me, I felt my mouth open slightly in shock at how nice they were 

"Yeah I'd love that, I'm Morgan by the way," I explained "Bye Dad, I'm going for a walk I'll unpack later!" I shouted up the driveway, and with that, the three of us were off on a walk. 

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As we walked, the girls showed me things like the drive-in that the socs like going to, I wanted to ask what a soc was but I didn't care enough to. Cherry told me about school and Marcia explained why the two weren't seeing their boyfriends, the boys who shouted at them from a car while driving by, because they've been drinking too much lately. When we passed an alley we saw a group of young-ish boys, they must be younger than us because their voices weren't deep enough to be any more than fifteen. Two of them were squealing and breathing heavily while a cigarette plumed smoke between them "What are they doing?" I asked, Cherry didn't look over and said "Greasers, don't look at them," my face scrunched up in confusion but I obliged and looked away

"Hey Morgan we're going to the drive-in later do you want to come?" Marcia informed me, I thought about unpacking my room, how I'd only have a few hours to do it other wise I wouldn't want to do it tomorrow "Yeah alright, but I gotta get home because I have to unpack a load of boxes," I laughed, the girls chuckled at me and we started back to our street. 

My room was nearly done, I had my clothes away and my desk and record player was in place. Mom brought me fresh roses and I put them on my nightstand beside a notebook and pen. I always write before I go to bed, somehow it makes my brain quieter

I lined books up on every space that was free of trinkets or seashells, or flowers and potted plants. I counted, thirty-nine books were on one shelf, with the other thirty scattered around the room. I've read all of them at least twice, too. Not having any clue about what to wear to this movie, I pulled on a pair of blue jeans and a form-fitted shirt, that was until I remembered how cold it is here at night. "Dinner's ready Bugs!" Alex shouted from downstairs, I quickly grabbed a zip-up sweater as I dashed down to eat. 

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