drive in

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Morgans Pov

Over dinner, Alex and I decided we would go to the drive-in together so he could maybe meet some kids and if not, just meet chicks, a quote from him while we ate dinner. Alex went to get dressed so I was helping mom do the dishes, she was quiet, not any more than usual around me. "So are you excited for school to start?" Mom asked, I dried the casserole dish she handed me, nearly dropping it in the process "Yeah I am, I think it'll be fun. And I'll have Alex there too in case anything happens," I shrugged, Mom looked at me with no more than a hint of a smile "Get good grades so we don't have to waste time worrying about you would ya?" she asked, I pursed my lips and looked down at the ground, thankfully Alex came in
 "We've gotta get going Mom the movie starts at nine," she pursed her lips and looked at me before sighing "Fine I'll just do this by myself, like always,"

I let Alex drive us in my truck, he didn't want to walk and since Dad went out to find a window screen for the kitchen, my perfect-condition truck was all we had. I don't get why we couldn't walk, it was merely twenty minutes, but Alex said "Why would you walk when we have such horsepower at our fingertips?!" When Alex parked my truck outside the fence since it's cheaper to walk in and much more fun to sit in chairs, I saw Cherry and Marcia talking to Randy and Bob, I waved them over. 

 Alex is a lady's man, a lot of girls think he is so amazing. Cherry and Marcia did too when they saw him. "Hey guys, this is my brother, Alex," I introduced him, Cherry's eyes went wide he's cute she mouthed making my eyes roll "Hey, I told you this would be great!" Alex whispered excitedly before he walked off with the girls. 

The two girls were so captivated by my brother, and Alex was so excited to have two beautiful girls hanging off his arms, that they left me and sat down. It's for the best, I decided, I don't want to see them kissing the whole movie or talking, I want to watch the film.

I was sitting in my chair now, a few rows across and closer to the screen than the others were. I nearly jumped when a pair of boots landed on the chair beside me "Hey, she's the hot soc that hangs out with Cherry Valance" a guy hissed just loud enough for me to hear

"Dally come on get your feet away from her or she'll hurl all over ya," another one called with a laugh, suddenly I felt a pair of arms on the back of my chair, and when I turned around five boys were sitting behind me. The one with their hands on my chair was staring into my eyes "Can I help you?" I asked, feeling my nerves rise slightly, he made me uneasy just by looking at him, but I couldn't help thinking he was kind of cute. He smirked "Oh yeah you can," he replied, his words coming off in such a sexual way.

I decided to be quiet, sometimes the best response is no response at all. So that's what I did, every disgusting and low comment that the boys threw at me, flew over my head. They seemed to be getting annoyed by my lack of interest and left, presumably to buy popcorn. After a few minutes of peace, the movie started up, just credits at first until the scenes were rolling. All except one boy gave up trying to get my attention, the one kept throwing popcorn at me every once in a while, and breathing on my neck while whispering things into my ear that would have been sexy but I didn't even know his name and it instead made me feel uncomfortable

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming up beside me and a deep voice echoed "Hey, I brought you a-" The boy stopped talking abruptly, and I watched the glistening liquid fly in slow motion before it landed all over me. My jaw dropped as the cold pop dripped down my chest and into my lap, a scoff left my mouth and I stood up "Oh my god, can you guys just leave me alone for like one fucking minute?" I snapped, shivering. I was too mad to even look at the other four guys, then I walked away quickly. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I stood there in shock watching the girl as she stormed off completely soaked "Haha sucker" Dal laughed "Shut it Dally that's not funny," I shouted, hitting his shoulder, my eyes wandered to Johnny and I saw him staring at my left, when I looked over, a guy was storming over to me. "What the hell is your problem dude?!" the guy asked stopping in front of me, pushing me backward. I blinked a few times "It was an accident, I didn't mean to, really," I explained hurriedly, rushing the words out of my mouth.

"I swear to god if I see you around my little sister again I'll kick the shit out of you. Keep your friends away from her too!" I swallowed hard, I felt bad already, and now knowing I probably wouldn't be able to see her and apologize without getting into a fight with her brother made me even more upset. The guy ran after whoever she was, I didn't even get her name.

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I opened the front door and walked inside "Hey Bugs, why ya home so early?" Dad called from the living room, I walked over to him and he stared at me in shock "What the hell happened Morgan?" Dad asked looking at me with furrowed eyebrows "A guy spilled a drink all over me," I said thinking back to the group of ignorant boys.

"What the hell, why'd he do that" Dad nearly shouted raising his eyebrows "It was an accident well he said it was," I explained, but he wasn't buying it. I knew Dad would beat the tarnation out of any boy who treated me poorly, and so would Alex. I went upstairs without saying anything else and got in the shower, the boy's sad expression burning in my mind.

In My RoomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora