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After getting dressed in blue jeans and a knit sweater faster than I'd ever gotten ready, I dashed down the stairs to pack something for lunch. Mom was grocery shopping, Dad was at work, and Alex was yelling at me from the front door. In a frenzy, I stuffed an apple and swiped the five-dollar bill off the counter so I could buy actual food "I'm coming holy shit Alex!" I shouted and ran to the door. I pulled my keys from my pocket and we headed out to the truck.

Alex was officially in the "cool crowd" which means when he walks in with his little sister who dresses nothing like the cool kids and drives a pick-up truck rather than a T-Bird, it makes him embarrassed. Which kind of pisses me off but whatever, I'd never say it in front of his friends because I know that he would actually kill me. Alex left as soon as the truck was parked, since he was older than me he was in different classes, which meant he went to the second level of the school while I stayed on the first floor. I headed to my locker, which was beautifully placed next to Ponyboy's and across from Johnny's. Two-bit doesn't have a locker, because he's been at the school for six years, but if he did I'd probably make sure it was next to Johnny's. "Hey Morgan," Pony smiled and closed his locker "Hi Horsey," I grinned, he rolled his eyes at me, his expression traced with sarcasm and I laughed

I didn't make any horse noises this morning at Ponyboy, for the girl he liked was around, and I couldn't embarrass him in front of her. He would have threatened me, but that would have required Pony to be rude to the first girl that's ever acknowledged him, and he likes me way too much to threaten me anyway. We met Johnny in class, sometimes it makes me feel stupid that I can hardly understand the work I do in my grade, yet Horsey is two years younger than me and does it with ease.

In science, we learned about what kind of elements and minerals are safe to mix together to create molecules or something like that, I asked Pony to help me after school so it's clear I wasn't listening very well. That's not true though, I really was listening, I just don't get it. And in math, we did trig, co-tangents, and co-signs. I can pick up that stuff easily, I get that. I get English, I know how to write well and I know big words. In History, we are learning about the pyramids, which are fucking wild if you ask me. Maybe we Americans are just stupid, but those Egyptians are damn smart.

Finally, the lunch bell rang, and I felt at ease knowing I only had gym left before we had an empty study block. I'm good at the gym, mainly because I like running, so sports kind of come easy to me. "Hey, Johnny man do you guys wanna go and get lunch somewhere?" I offered as the four of us walked out of the school doors and into the warm sun "Yeah, let's go to the DX Steve and Soda will already be there," Pony shrugged "Hey man I heard Dally's gettin' out today maybe he'll be there," Two told us, I hadn't met Dallas. Well at the drive-in on my first night here he wanted to know me, but I've never even spoken a full sentence to him.

We all walked the three blocks of the DX station fairly quickly, and to my surprise, we weren't the only ones with the idea. There were at least seven cars in the lot, and as we walked up the store you could see the girls sitting on the hoods of their cars "What is everyone doing here?" I asked, I thought people didn't like greasers. "Take a wild guess," Two-bit laughed "My brother, the broad magnet," Pony grumbled angrily, I laughed. I didn't think they were being serious at first, that was until Soda came out of the store with four girls surrounding him. I nearly choked on my spit when I saw him.

I know that I like him, there is really no denying it. Anyone who sees me look at him could tell I'm infatuated with his being. My jaw tightened as a grin formed on his face when he talked to the girls "You okay Morgan?" Two-bit elbowed me, I nodded and smiled as fake as I could at the girls who looked at me. Some people are Man Jealous. They get mad, break things, yell, make you feel weak or dumb. And some people are Woman Jealous. You never act like there is a problem, because you're simply better than whatever else they could be doing. There is no reason to be jealous of who they talk to because she probably bakes cookies and reads love stories too. She probably likes pink and dresses up once in a while for no reason at all. She probably makes up scenarios in her mind to help her sleep and I bet she loves music too. If anything, you'd most likely be friends with her, if she wasn't in love with them too.

"Hey who's the chick?" the awfully familiar voice echoed in my ear and all I could think about was what he whispered in my ear at the drive-in. I spun around to look at Dallas, my eyebrows arched cockily and a wicked smile on my lips, I waved my fingers at him "The girl you "need more than air to live" Hi Dallas," I straightened up and met his eye, he was flabbergasted to say the least. He looked between the three boys I was standing with before looking at Soda "Ah you're here to nail him, aren't ya?" he asked me. I wrinkled my eyebrows in disgust
"Dal shut up man," "Leave her alone," I smiled when Ponyboy and Johnny both stood up for me

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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