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Past me thought the clouds in the sky weren't holding any rain at all, and present me is getting drenched in the rain. Five nights ago Soda gave me his flannel to keep me warm as we walked the two blocks to where he lived, where his older brother's truck was. And I had gotten so caught up in my curfew and the conversation we had while he drove me home I forgot to give his shirt back. Dad asked me whose it was, and when I told him he grinned and pointed his thumbs at himself "Whose got two thumbs and has a daughter with a boyfriend, this guy!" So I was returning the shirt

However now in the rain, it was wet too, but it's the thought that counts ya know? I had only a block until I was at the Curtis house, and I would have been there faster but when Ponyboy gave me direction at school yesterday I would have thought I'd remember them better, apparently not. If someone isn't home and I walked all the way here because Alex has my truck, I will actually cry but whatever. I walked by the big empty lot wanting nothing more than to go play in the grass but I have somewhere to be, that was until I saw a lump moving on the ground behind a tree. My curiosity got the best of me, but my gut also told me I needed to go see what was happening

When I walked over, the boy curled up was familiar, it was Johnny, from school. "Johnny, hey are you okay?" I asked softly, he hardly looked at me through the hair over his eyes, so I sat down next to him. I've only known Johnny Cade for three days of school, and a few hours of working on projects after, but I could tell things weren't good for him. He has this look in his eyes, as though he's a lost dog who can't find their way home. He was shaking, and the tears running down his cheek looked like rain, but he was sheltered from the harsh weather, as we sat under the large willow tree. My hand landed gently on his side and I kept myself from speaking, he'll calm down in a minute.
"God Morgan, you shouldn't be out here in the rain," Johnny finally said after ten minutes or so of silence. I shook my head while he sat up and leaned against the tree "You shouldn't either," I hummed, and ran my finger under his eyes to smooth the bubbled tears

"Nah I mean you shouldn't be on this side of town, especially not with a grease like me," he spoke, his words dug into me harshly, I don't get what a Greaser and a Soc is, after nearly two weeks of living here. I just don't get it. "I don't care. Johnny, what happened?" my tone was filled with worry, and the look on my face was easy to read; I was scared. Something bad must have happened to him, otherwise, he wouldn't be shaking like a leaf still. He pursed his lips and stayed silent for a moment. "Just my parents, I'm fine Morgan, you should get going. There's nothing to worry about," Johnny said, but I wasn't buying it.

"Johnny look at me," I told him, he looked me in the eye for the first time since I sat down and he let out a quiet sigh "Johnny you were born into a family that doesn't appreciate you, and I want you to know that one day things will be very different. You don't deserve anything that's happened to you, you're just a kid, you're sixteen. None of this- the way they treat you I mean; has anything to do with you. You're perfect, and I care about you, I know all your friends do too. Come on I gotta give something back to Soda, we'll walk together," I stood up and pushed my hand in front of me, smiling slightly to encourage him to follow me. He stood up and let me hug him "Thanks Morgan," Johnny mumbled as we walked to the house.

I knocked on the door before Johnny told me I could just walk inside, it felt weird not being invited in but whatever. Ponyboy was sitting on the couch reading "Hey Ponyboy," I smiled, he looked over his book and put it down "Hey Morgan. Johnny, are you alright?" he asked his friend alarmed, who responded with a nod and went to the kitchen.
"So, is Soda here?" I asked and pulled my backpack off, unzipping it and grabbing his flannel "Yeah he's just in our room, it's on the left after the kitchen," Pony told me, after I thanked him I left my bag and wet shoes at the door before I went through the kitchen

I knocked lightly on the bedroom door and waited for a second "Pony it's your room too you don't gotta-" The door flung open and there was Soda standing in only a towel, his jaw dropped when he realized it was me rather than his brother. He quickly jumped behind the door and I couldn't hold back my laugh "Jeez you're acting like I've never seen a guy in just a towel," I chuckled and walked into the room, dropping his shirt on the bed. He stood in the middle of the room awkwardly, his face was red, and I should have left to be fair. But why? It's just a conversation. "I have a brother Sodapop, get your mind out of the gutter," my eyes trailed down his physique before back to his eyes. "Bye Soda," I said with a smile and looked at him one more time before I walked out.

After pulling my shoes on I picked my bag up off the ground and turned to face Pony and Johnny "Oh hey can I use your phone?" I asked, realizing I have almost an hour's walk home in the rain if I don't call someone "Yeah sure it's just by the chair," Pony replied. When I called home twice and nobody answered, I put the phone down and let out a sigh. Accepting my destiny I opened the front door and pushed the screen open too "Is your dad coming to get you?" Johnny called from the kitchen
"No, they didn't answer so I'm gonna walk. I'll see you at school guys," and so with Soda's red face and toned abdomen on my mind, I journeyed home.

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