Chapter 10: Double Trouble

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"Oh right. I totally forgot." I said with a small nervous laugh

I heard the end off class bell ring.

This is not going to end well.

*****Peter's POV*****

As soon as I had arrived at the school I had a odd feeling, as if something bad was going to happen.

I saw Derek sitting alone just staring at the table with his food out in front of him.

"Derek." I said snapping him out of his daze

"Where's Kainda?" I asked suspiciously

"I... um... she...left.. and...Umm"

"Derek! English please." I snapped at him.

He was being weird and I don't know why.

Then it hit me. Literally, I smelt it.

"Argent" I ground and looked at the school door

I saw Kainda first and made eye contact with her. I went to walk up to her but her hand up indicating me not to come.

I tipped my head in confusion.

Then some girl walked up behind her and put her and on her shoulder.

It was definitely the Argent I smelt earlier.

The Argent the started looking around almost passing over me but then she stopped. She look right at me, then to Derek and back to me.

She had the smirk on her face that made me want to kill her right here and now.

Anyone could tell that she know who I am, or at least what I am.

I sat across from Derek

"What do we do?" Derek asked nervously

"First if all, you calm down. Then after the bell and I go home, I will tell Talia and the others about this. And tonight I will talk to Kainda and figure out why another hunter is in town." I said it pretty simply but talking to Kainda may not be that simple.

"How are you even going to get to her?" He asked

I opened my mouth to respond but...

"I mean this hunter could be like Kainda and not like killing and all, or she could be super protective and insecure and know the second you step on there property." Derek interrupted

"I'll figure it out, ok" I snapped at him

"K" he said back

And with that the bell rang.

I was on my way back home to ask Talia what to do.

*****Kainda's POV*****

After we had left Kate and I sat silent in the car for a good while.

"So, do you know the Hales well?" She asked curious

"Umm, not really. The younger one is in my grade but the other one graduated a while back." I wanted to sound as uneducated about the Hale as I could.

"What are there names? How long ago did the one graduate?" She asked again

"The younger one is Derek and the older one is Peter, he graduated 6, 7 years ago." I know when Peter graduated. He's 24 right now but turning 25 this year. But I didn't want her knowing to much.

"How are they related then?" Kate asked, she is asking lot of questions.

"Umm, I think Peter is the uncle to Derek, but they seem like they are best friends or something." I responded back.

"Have you ever talked to them?" She gave me a side look


"Hmm, you should" she said

"What? Why? I thought we don't talk..."

"Are job is to make sure they aren't a threat, what a better way then to become friends with one, or more" she was smirking

"Umm, you want me to get in bed with a wolf?" I asked

"Well I didn't say that but whatever works, works" and with that the conversation was over.

We pulled into the drive way. My truck was there too.

"Is my truck fixed?" I asked kinda excited

"Yes. I helped your father fix it for you, you will need it." He answered back

I just smiled, said thanks and got out. Kate followed me to the door and inside.

"Are you staying with us?" I asked

"Yes, for a short time." She had a fake smile on her face but I just smiled back and went upstairs.

Your Words Not Mine [Young Peter Hale//Teen Wolf]Where stories live. Discover now