- 𝗦𝗶𝗺𝗼𝗻 -

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⚠️ Trigger warning, mentions of drugs and alcohol along with abuse  in this chapter towards the end so if you don't like hearing about it or thinking about it I would not recommend reading this chapter ⚠️

It had been days since simons dad passed and the funeral had also passed. Wille had texted Simon to see if he needed anything and how he was feeling, Simon didn't text back but was returning today.

Simon had woken up he looked like shit and felt like shit, all he wanted to do was lay in his bed and never wake up again, but he knew he had now missed 4 days of school when he'd never skipped a day in his life. He crawled out of bed and saw a letter on his desk and on the outside was labelled with Wilhelm's name and one of his favourite boxes of chocolates, Simon couldn't help but smile not being able to hide it then opened the letter and started reading

The letter:

Simon, I know your going through a rough time in your life, I know how you feel in a way the loss of someone you loved but I know it's not the same kind of love. I just wanted to see how you were feeling, if you needed anything.. I love you Simon and I really hope to see you soon, by the way I dropped off some food along with this letter and the chocolates I got your favourite.

Love, Wilhelm

Simon breathes with a smile as he read through the letter and put it back in the envelope. The letter kind of motivated him to get up and put the letter onto the box of chocolates, Simon walked out of his room out to the dining room seeing doughnuts on the table knowing Wilhelm dropped some off.

His mom came out of the kitchen "Your out of bed, how are you feeling?" She asks "Did you see Wilhelm's letter and chocolates? You've got one good boyfriend"

Simon looked over at his mom "Yes I'm out of bed, and I feel like shit but the letter and my favourite chocolates made me feel better, and my favourite doughnuts" he says with a smile as he took one out and started eating it

She nods "Well I'm glad he made your day a bit better you better get ready for school your gonna be late, unless you wanna take today off?" She asks

He shook his head no "I think I wanna go in, if I wanna come home I can always ask Wilhelm for a ride or take the bus home, I'll be okay" he says then went back to his room and started getting ready into his uniform as he heard a honk of a car outside moving his curtain out of the way seeing Wilhelm and smiles closing it running outside with his bag

Wilhelm smiled "Come on slow poke we are gonna be late" he joked as he leaned against the outside of the car

Simon ran into his arms hugging him "Thank you for coming" he says "And for the letter and the chocolates oh and the doughnuts, the texts" he says "You've been amazing this past week" he tells him

Wilhelm nods "Trying to be here for you, but also trying to give you the space you need" he says "And I will always be here for you" he says and kissed his head

Sara walked out and rolled her eyes "Get a room would you?" She asks and stood there

Simon and Wilhelm look "You want a ride or not?" Wilhelm asks jokingly

She smiles "HaHa" she told him then got into the back and put her seatbelt on

Simon kissed his cheek then got into passengers seat and put his seatbelt on too as Wilhelm did the same and started driving them to school.

They got there a little while later and walked in and Simon breaths taking hold of the tall blonde boy next to him, walking to their class.

The last week had been a total shit show for him, and Sara and his mom. Simon got through it barely, his dad was addicted to drugs and alcohol for years.

⚠️ Trigger warning mentions of Drugs and alcohol and abuse, again if you don't like reading or hearing about it please do not read further ⚠️

When Simon and Sara were around 12 and 13 years old, his father started drinking after he lost his job and started getting addicted to drugs on the side after a couple months.

His dad and mom fought a lot so there was a lot of him and Sara hiding in his room and him protecting Sara when his dad tried hurting her.

His dad started abusing their mom and they begged her daily to leave but when they turned 13 she explained to them why they never left, why she took the abuse and not let it be on them. She explained that if they left they would have no money and no home to go to.

Simon protected Sara and his mom when he could, he promised his sister the only person he could trust for so long until his boyfriend Wilhelm came into the story.  Simon had secretly started seeing his dad again and started taking drugs for august and selling them to him, he also got booze from his dad for a couple parties that august threw. He knew he broke a promise to Sara but didn't know why he did it in the first place.

His family had been through a lot and knew he needed to protect them no matter what happened, but his dad being gone made it a little easier but also all the memories of him trying to hurt him came back.

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