Our happily ever after

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(Before I start this chapter I would like to thank everyone for reading this book, for you kind words and everything!! I love you all and this will be the last chapter of this book.)

The last week of living at Hillerska was going to be emotional because we would all be going out separate ways, we've been together for 3 years and it has been an emotional train ride.


There was no school, it was the week that students were able to go home to visit family and graduation would be on Saturday.

It was Monday morning and everyone was at breakfast, but it wasn't as hyped up as usual we have all realized we have to leave each other and we've all made our friends also found our friend groups.

Wilhelm sits there for a couple of minutes all the last years have been gone for 2 years and it's been nice without them. He then smiled thinking about the good times

Simon looked over with a smile on his face "what's the smile for?" He asks

"Just thinking about what a crazy 3 years it's been, I'm gonna miss everyone" he says

He nods "I know but hey we can come back to visit, we can also go to our friends houses we are still close by"

Wille kissed his cheek "I know babes" he says smiled and looks at the others

Felice smiled "Remember that initiation party august threw?" She asks Basically everyone

They all nodded as Sarah looked "yeah first party I was invited to, also the party I found you drunk at" she says

"Ohhhh shut up!" She giggles

Sarah smiled "also the first night this one found his true love"

Simon looked over to her "who this guy?" He asks referring to Wilhelm "he's just my boyfriend I'll have a husband soon enough" he says

Wilhelm looks at him "excuse me sir" he says to Simon

"We're gonna have to get married at some point obviously I was talking about you" he giggles and kissed him softly

He giggles "ohhhh okay your forgiven" he says before kissing back

Felice smiles "you guys are too cute"

Wilhelm smiled "thank you, ohhhh I remember something funny and Simon already knows"

He looked "You and her kissing?" He asks and smiled giggling

"Yeah, we were both confused what we wanted, I didn't know who I was or what was even going on" Wilhelm says as him and Felice burst out laughing since they were best friends now "also her dating august"

Felice wanted to throw up "don't even remind me of that douche bag" she said "but yeah that's funny to look back on"

Sarah smiled "yeah he hurt almost everyone here" she said "let's make a pact to not let anyone toxic into our lives, even if they are incredibly difficult to get rid of"

They all raise their glasses clinking them together and drank to it

Simon looks "champagne at 9am isn't it" he says and giggled

Wilhelm nods "agreed" he says as the others nodded

They all put their glasses down as they started eating And talking about what they wanted to do with their lives

"Alright we need to make this week count, so fun things" he says

Sarah looks "we have an entire lake to ourselves, and everyone else still here why don't we go for a swim?"

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