- 𝗙𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 -

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Simon and Wilhelm had talked about him going back home, but Simon knew if he went home their relationship was over.

Wilhelm was in a hard place figuring out what to do. He wanted to be with Simon but knew his mom would make him break up with Simon.

Wilhelm and Simon sat in the music room where they had all their arguments and were sitting they were at a point where it just seems there's no point in trying

Simon breathes and looks at him "I'm sorry I don't want to be your secrete we already told everyone" he says

Wilhelm looks "I'm not asking you to even be my damn secret Simon!" He says  "Im trying to find a way to make this fair" he tells him

Simon looks "Why are we even trying anymore..?" He asks and sits next to him

"Because I love you more than anything in this world" he says

Simon lays his head on wilhelms shoulder and breathes "Im sorry we're all making you choose, and I just want you to know whoever you pick-"

"Friends with benefits" he says "It's the final choice I know we told eachother 'I love you' but this is a way I can tell them I broke up with you but I'm still friends with you" he says "Simon this is our only chance" he tells him

Simon nods "Can we break up when you leave though?" He asks

Wilhelm smiles and nods "Yes I'm not breaking up with you right now I'll save that for when we leave for summer and I'll come down and visit my "friend"

Simon smiles "Naughty naughty Wilhelm" he says raising a finger and giggles

He smiles and laughed hugging him "I love you so much" he says

They sit in the music room happily as that's where they solved all their problems, got back together, broke up and fought. Simon and Wilhelm were both happy no matter what and they didn't have to worry about loosing each other .

Simon looks "Do you realize this is where we fight, makeup, makeout, and get back together?" He says with a smile

Wilhelm looked at him and nods "At least we know this room gives us words of advice" he says "my favourite was the makeout over there" he says

Simon rolled his eyes playfully and kissed his cheek "yes I know that almost turned into sex then we ended up having sex anyways" he says

Wilhelm nods "I'm irresistible" he joked

"Haha pretty boy" he says and kissed him softly as it turned into a makeout session until his sister walked in

Sara looks "Get a room" she says "Simon mom wants you over for dinner, and she said to invite Wilhelm"

Wilhelm pulls away as she walked in and looked over as he nods "Dinner at your place" he says

Simon nods "okay I'll be there" he says

Wilhelm leaned down and whispered "And you'll get some dessert if your good" he says into his ear

Simon blushed "we will see you there Sara" he says

She nods and walks out

Simon slapped him playfully "She doesn't even know I'm sleeping with you keep it down!" He says

She walks back in "You two are sleeping together still  !? Simon your 16" he says

Wilhelm looks "To be fair it's really none of your business what we do behind closed doors

Simon looks "Sara this is really none of your business" he says "This is mine and wilhelms relationship" he says

Wilhelm nods "We are both old enough to make our own decisions" he says

She nods "whatever!" She says and started walking out

Simon smiled "it's not my fault you don't know how to get laid" he says

She threw something at him then walked out

Wilhelm smiles and kissed him "Cutie" he says 

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