Exorcise And Exercise!

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You were awoken by Yunyun feeling more tired than usual.

Yunyun: Wake up sleepyhead.

(Y/N): *grunt* I feel drained. Haven't felt like this since I spirited across town and ran out of stamina...

You got up and made some breakfast for Yunyun. Gotta be smooth...

Blueberry pancakes. Perfect to get diabetes.

Yunyun: Time to dig in!

She started eating and she was quite pleased.

Yunyun: My goodness! These are the best pancakes I've ever had!

(Y/N): Thanks. Mamas ol' recipe.

Yunyun: Where are you from, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Odd question for out in the blue... A place called America.

Yunyun: I've never heard of it before. What's it like?

(Y/N): Well... The only thing to it is freedom. Too much freedom though if you ask me...

Yunyun: Oakay?

(Y/N): Hope you didn't mess with my stuff.

Yunyun: O-oh um.

Cutback to a pile of books she knocked over.

(Y/N): You didn't disorganize anything did you?

She then looked terrified.

(Y/N): Just messing with ya. I don't organize anything!

Yunyun: O-oh eh alright I think I need to go. I'll see you later.

She left and while you were eating pancakes, Wiz opened the shop.

Kazuma: Hey, Wiz!

Aqua: (Y/N)?

Kazuma: What are you doing here?

(Y/N): I live here.

Aqua: Wha?! So you don't sleep in the stables?!

(Y/N): Never did. *bite*

Wiz: You 3 know each other?

(Y/N): Of course! We see each other all the time. We're party members.

Wiz: I see. Well, Kazuma has been working here a bit lately.

(Y/N): Heh. Who knew you worked where I lived.

Aqua: Why are you staying with this Lich?!

(Y/N): She was nice and I paid for her. Also, I'm leaving soon so it doesn't matter.

Aqua: *grrr*

She then let go of her and sat down.

(Y/N): So what happened yesterday?

They explained everything that happened. Pretty much the same except Todd killed the Shogun Warrior.

(Y/N): Well shit! That's the power of akotosh for you. And how was it doing again?

Kazuma: Painless.

(Y/N): Quick and clean gets the job done. So why are you here?

Kazuma: I thought Wiz could teach me some tricks.

(Y/N): Sounds good. I have a ton of skill points so I'll take your entire stock.

She then taught you all of the spells while Kazuma just learned drain touch.

Aqua: I can't believe you guys! A goddess' servants shouldn't learn from a litch.

(Y/N): Servants? I am no servant. My gods are higher than any one of your piers. And I was created to be higher than any creature in this world. You heard what Todd said. So I think you should be calling me you "party member".

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