A Good Vacation 1

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It was a fine morning. You were brushing your teeth while singing.

(Y/N): Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner. Hm-hm hm hm hm. *spit*

If you can guess the song then youre a legend.

Even the Dragonborn needs good hygiene.

(Y/N): Nice a clean.

You walked out shirtless. Who needs shirts these days.

(Y/N): Morning everybody~

Kazuma: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Im off to go get my cut from Mr. Cockblocker. Wanna come with me?

You both walked to Wiz's shop. The shelves had soda on them.

(Y/N): Here for my cut of the spoils.

Vanir: Here you are!

Kazuma: Damn! That's a lot of money!

(Y/N): Take a look at Coka Cola. It was everywhere on Earth. I figured these people would enjoy some.

Kazuma: Damn and all I did was add a piece of furniture.

(Y/N): I have another idea. Since people love regular soda, how does cherry soda sound? Better yet, lemon-lime!

Kazuma: My mouth is watering thinking about it...

(Y/N): I know right. I miss soda. *pops the lid off* *gulp*

(Y/N): Kids love it too. I can't wait to see Soda everywhere like booze.

Kazuma: Needs a brand name doesn't it?

(Y/N): How does, Dragon'sblood sound?

Kazuma: Were trying to make people want it not fear it.

(Y/N): Magicjuice?

Kazuma: Getting better.

(Y/N): Oh, how about "Dovahwater"?!

Kazuma: Thats perfect!

Vanir slapped that label on every bottle.

(Y/N): My favorite back on Earth was cherry coke.

Kazuma: Mine was that orange faygo.

(Y/N): Ah, that's good tastes.

Later at the mansion...

Kazuma and Aqua were acting like rich people while you and Megumin watched.

(Y/N): I've never been more disappointed in them. Acting like they're all that even though most of the money is mine.

Kazuma: We should just pay people to kill the devil king while we watch.

Aqua: What a great idea, youre a genius!

(Y/N): I've had it! If you guys are gonna act like that, then im just gonna leave! I'll go adventure and kill the devil king with Yunyun or something!

Megumin: No! I love adventuring with you! W-what if we went to Arkanregia? Im sure that they'd have calmed down by then!

(Y/N): I hear that the hot springs there are relaxing...

Kazuma: Hot spring?

Aqua: The city of water?!

(Y/N): This sounds right up their ally. And maybe I could use some relaxation too.

Kazuma: Eh, maybe.

(Y/N): Come on, you know you're looking forward to this! I know I am, I've never been to a hot spring.

The next morning you were sleeping late...

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