𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦

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"Reed? Reed? You in there. It's Luke." I heard a harsh knock following that.

I rubbed my eyes open and looked around, okay not my room.

Tidbits of last night started coming back to me, this was Reed's room. I try to get out but realize that Reed's entire front was pressed to my back, his arm draped over my waist and his face nuzzled in my neck. "Reed," I muttered, pressing my eyes shut again.

"Reed." I moved back into him, hoping he'll wake up. He gently stirred, pulling me closer. The more I moved, the tighter his grip on me got.

"Reed," I whispered harshly, "Wake up!"

He groaned some incoherent crap, I could feel his eyelashes fluttering on the back of my neck, his lips barely touching my shoulder but very obviously still there.

"Jones, wake up!" I wiggled under his arm. He groaned, his grip loosening. "Jones, wake up, please!" I nudged back with my elbow, hoping it hit his ribs or something.

"Huh? Wha-" He starts rubbing his eyes and shove him over and sat up on the bed.

"Luke was knocking," I said after a minute. "He was asking for you, the door was locked so he didn't get in."

"Okay, you should leave before he comes in here." He yawned.

I rolled my eyes, "Remember how I ended up here in the first place? My room is locked, and the key is in Chase's car."

"Of course, how could I forget," He scoffed, throwing my purse at the back of my head.

"Ouch, fuck." I winced, rubbing the back of my head. I refrained from saying anything more and went up to the door. No one was outside so I tiptoed downstairs and made it sound like I had just come home.

"Isla?" Luke called from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I sheepishly replied, walking into the kitchen and facing Luke.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been a complete bitch. Mom told me."

"It's fine." I sniffled. "As long as you don't become a bitch again." I laughed, engulfing him in a hug.

"Did I miss out on a whole season?" Reed asked, leaning against the door frame. 

"Get your ass here Reed." Luke opened the hug up and beaconed Reed over. He reluctantly came over and wrapped his arms around the both of us.  We all kind of stayed that way until the phone rang.

"Who is it?" I asked as Luke finally hung up.  "That, Isla, was the yacht company." He said while moving around the kitchen. I raised my brows, "Yacht?".

"It's to host the new port christening on behalf of mom and dad." 

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." I go over to the cabinet near the cups cupboard and rummaged through the shoes until I find the hidden flap. "Aha!" I whispered.  "Found you."

I pulled out a ring of keys and shut the flap back. "It was good catching up but I'm gonna go...clean up." I spun the ring of keys around my finger as I got up and left the kitchen.  As I'm about to ascend the stairs, I get yanked back and pushed up against the wall. 

"You knew there was a spare key?" Reed asked, trapping me in between him and the wall.

I shrugged, turning my head away from him. "I forgot about them. Now let go." I moved my left leg to step on his right foot, but he was faster. He swiped that leg up making me lose balance, so he grabbed the other leg too. He took my flailing body up the stairs; I moved my legs and arms in every direction trying to get him to drop me. And then I finally bit him.

"You despicable bit-" He started to scream.

"Don't even think about it Reed," Luke yelled from downstairs, "I'll skin you alive if you finish that sentence."

Reed started muttering some incoherent shit as he finally reached my door, he then proceeded to drop me flat on my ass and then left.


"ISLA WE HAVE TO GO FINALIZE THE YACHT, HURRY UP!!" Luke yelled from downstairs. The port christening party was tomorrow night and today we had a finalization appointment at noon for the yacht.

I grab Birkenstocks and get out my room, heading for the stairs I knocked into Reed and almost fell, taking him with me.

"Watch it." He spat, shoving me over and going down the stairs first. I rolled my eyes, following him, pretending to strangle him and punch the back of his head.

"Okay bitch," I mocked, making a face at him.

"Okay bitch,"  He mimicked in a high pitch whiny voice. "Oh, for fucks sake leave, will you?" he groaned after I just stood there, glaring major daggers at him. 

"After you princess," I smirked, giving him a little nudge out the door. Luke started the car and we piled in. The boardwalk was a ten-minute walk from the beach house, so God knows why we drove, but I wasn't complaining, it was sweltering outside so air conditioning sounded great. Luke led us to the yacht he had been eyeing for the brand-new port we had built.

We toured the Yacht and finalized the renting, with the parents on a conference call.

While we walked back to the car, we ran into Chase, Kat, John and Lana. "Hey, Isla!!" Kat called, giving me a huge grin.

"Isla, you're alive," Chase added, opening his arms up for a hug.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I scoffed, giving them all a hug. "How's the hangover John?"

"I feel like shit, girl I hate this." We all laughed at his strained voice and squeezed eyes. I noticed Luke and Reed just standing off to the side awkwardly. "Oh yeah, uhh guys this is Luke, my brother and that's Reed."

They all greeted each other, and I made sure to invite them all to the party, then we decided to head back to get ready for the party.

I trudged through the front door and started making my way up the stairs to start picking out an outfit but not before I heard Reed's obnoxious voice ask me something. "Which one was Chase?"

"I'm sorry what?" I blurted, my eyebrows raising.

"Which one of the Surfer dumbasses was Chase?"

"A) You're the dumbass, B) They all introduced themselves, were you not paying attention?"

"Like I fucking care," he scoffed, walking up the stairs.

Chapter five

Ahhhhh I'm back lol

I'm updating all my stories now and gonna try to finish most of em bc I feel bad for leaving them uncompleted

Anyways so the dynamic between isla and reed is everything like omfg I aspire to live thru that at least once

Next chapter shit might hit the fan so get ready

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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