Chapter 1: Lightyears Apart

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Loud cheers fills the venue. "Thank you everyone! Now, this next song... goes out to someone very special to me". Cheers grew louder, and then, a ringing phone wakes Jake from his sleep, he sighs. "Another busy day", he says, with the same resentment he had 7 years ago, in this familiar situation.

Jake answers his phone. "Good morning Drew. What's the update for today?", he asks, while brushing his teeth. "Morning to you too, Prince Charming". Jake laughed. "So, usual daily routine for today, Gym at 8AM, Studio at 2PM, and-". Jake cuts Drew off, "Yeah, yeah, what else you got for me?". Pissed, Drew says, "Oi, don't rush me. Be more grateful to your manager, aight?". "Okay, I'm sorry, you were saying?", Jake continues with an annoyed expression. "Okay so on later today, at 8PM, you have an appointment for a Collab with someone.", Drew says. "Do I have to go?". "Of course you have to go, it's an important Collab, don't miss on it", Drew says with eagerness in his voice. "Okay, don't worry, I'll go. Appointment for Collab Later at 8PM, got it. Anything else Drew? 'kay, see ya homie'. Jake sighs and takes a seat, stressed from all the work he has lately. Being a singer has been difficult for Jake, all the responsibilities, expectations, especially appointments.

He misses the times when he sang with the Music club. "Oh, the days...", Jake says. He remembers well the bond he had with them. Milly, her strong-willed behavior, her crush back then. Sean, his brotherly love he had for the club, his passion for making music. Luke, he was always kind to everyone, his calm-mindedness. Zander, can't forget him, he cared for the club a lot, he's different with each member of the club, the list can go on for him. And Hailey... Club President and perfectionist. The times she would do anything for the club, she made the club her own family. Jake thought, "Wonder how they're doing".

Though Jake was updated on how Milly and Sean was due to their recent collabs, he lost touch with Zander, Luke and Hailey. He asked Milly and Sean about them, but they too were unsure of how they are doing. Jake sat for a little longer before starting the day out. He went to the gym at 8AM, the studio at 2PM, and at 7:30PM, he was getting ready for his appointment.

"So the appointment is going to be at R&J Hotel, 72nd floor, Room 728", Drew answers. "Why in a hotel room?", Jake asks, "Shouldn't it be done in like a restaurant or something". "They didn't want to go out since people might find you two and put it up on the media". "Why should I worry about that?", Jake asks with slight concern. "It's Krista Marina". "Krista Marina? The one said to be like me, but more talented? Ok and?", Jake stated. "You're so stupid, nevermind, just get there and be on time". "Damn, quit being so bossy", Jake murmured.

As Jake goes up the elevator to the 72nd floor, a familiar tune played in the elevator. It's the same one in the mall that he danced to with the club. "Hey, I remember this", Jake states as he slowly starts dancing to the beat. He danced all the way to the 72nd floor. He stops dancing and steps out, and finds the room. He had a key to enter in so he entered without knocking. He hears a guitar being played and a singing voice. It feels nostalgic for Jake, he remembers the time when he heard singing coming from the Music Club room. As Jake walked around, looking around for the person who he was appointed to meet, he heard the singing voice coming from the balcony. He decided to go check it out. The glass that separated the living from the balcony was frosted up, it was cold out so he went to enter the balcony. Then, he was in shock.

"Y- you can sing!? Since when!?", highschool Jake asked.


"No way..."

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