Chapter 4: Fallen Stars

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"Now, don't overcook them Zander," Luke says as he prepares the buns for the burgers. "I know, I know," Zander says then out a deep sigh. The two and Sean were still preparing lunch for everyone, then they saw Milly in the distance, carrying the branches for the bonfire later night. As Milly drops the branches by the bonfire, Zander asks, "Milly, where's Hailey?". "There, still grabbing branches," Milly replies as she sits down on the picnic table. "And where's Jake?", Zander asks. Milly replies. "Helping out Hailey." A subtle silence occurs among them... then Zander asks with a frustrated voice, "Why did you leave those two alone?". Annoyed, Milly answers "I don't know, what's the problem?". "Jake is the problem," Zander says in a loud voice, "Go back and check on them." Milly says in a rising voice, "WHAAAATT!? Why do I have to go?". "Go... Now!" Zander states with ||death|| in his eyes. "Ugghhh, fine, I'll go," Milly says, then jumps off her seat and starts walking to Jake and Hailey. Milly says under her breath, "Grapey Loudmouth."



Dazed, Hailey tries to get a look around her, but it still a blur from her dizziness.

"Well, this feels familiar," Jake says, pained. Hailey looks toward the voice and the scenery clears out. She sees leaves falling around her and as she looked straight ahead of her, Hailey realizes that she was laying on top of Jake. Flustered, she gets off and back on her feet, and starts to brush off the dust off her clothes. "S- sorry about that Jake," Hailey stammers. Jake gets up and starts brushing off the dust off his clothes, "It's fine," he replies, "Are you okay?". "Yeah, I'm fine," Hailey replies, "Thanks for catching me." "No problem," Jake says, "I'm used to catching those who fall for me." Annoyed, Hailey replies, "Haha, real funny Jake."

Hailey was still red from her cheeks to her ears. She notices the flower she was trying to grab earlier, it still looks intact. She picked it up and looked at the bright, blue petals of the flower. She decides to put it over her ear. "Looks cute," Jake says as he noticed this. "Thanks," Hailey replies, "Let's head back to the site, shall we?". Jake says, "Yeah," and they both went about the way back.

When they first get sight of the campsite, they came across Milly, who notices they didn't bring any branches with them. "So, what did you guys do?", Milly said with a smirk on her face. Jake stammers repeatedly as he tried to think of an excuse. After a while, Milly asked, "You guys didn't do anything... suspicious, right?". "What? Of course not," Jake replies. Jake continued making an excuse but Milly notices a dark, purple spot on Hailey's neck. Milly's eyes widened, "Is that a hickey?". "Wait- what?", Hailey and Jake says in unison. Moments later, Milly started running in the direction of the camp. Jake is trying to stop her but Milly yells out, "GUYS, HAILEY HAS A HICKEY!!". The guys at the camp were shocked. Milly got to them first then Jake next, who was gasping for air. Milly started explaining to them what she said and how she thinks what happened. Jake, on the other hand, was trying to explain what actually happened. Sean cuts off their arguement, "Wait- hold on- slow down- what happened?". Quick response from Milly, "Jake kissed Hailey." Jake immediately tried to defend himself, "No, I did not!".

"What... was that?"

Zander, with the most amount of anger possible, in his eyes. Right next to him was a knife. Jake feared for his life, he took a step back and started explaining, "I- It's not what it looks like, Z-z- Zander." Zander randomly pops up behind him, "What exactly does it look like then, Jake?". Jake feels the cold breath coming from Zander, he froze there and then. "Stop it, Zander," Hailey says, "I just fell off a tree." "Are you okay?", Zander asks, worried for her sister. "Yeah, I'm fine," Hailey replies, "Just got this 'hickey'." Zander tends to her sister and sits her on the seat of the picnic table. When Jake got a fresh breath of air, he immediately heard a small whisper.

"You won't be as lucky next time..."

He froze up again...

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