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I need to find that egg.. before it ruins the overworld I thought to myself, it was getting late and everyone went back home

I waited until Ranboo fell asleep so I could leave, I wanted to see the egg by myself, but I was getting impatient every second that passed

Ranboo POV
Y/n is acting a bit weird, after she found out the egg she has been spacing out, not talking and seemed uncomfortable?

I didn't know what to do in this situation, I was a bit tired but I wanted to make sure Y/n is okay, she seemed off

"Y/n, are you okay? You have been acting.. different.." I asked, she jumped a bit "y-yeah sorry, I'm fine"

I knew she was lying at that moment "Y/n your lying, what's bothering you?" She hesitated a bit before answering "look I'm fine Ranboo, you don't need to worry"

I sigh "Y/n, there is something bothering you and I wanna know, you have been acting weird since you knew about the egg" she looked around the room to look at anything but me

"Ranboo I'm fine." She said bluntly, "look I just wanna hel-" "oh my gosh can you leave me alone?! I said im fine! Now will you stop asking me??!!"

I was a bit shocked, she was angry.. I messed up.. I should have left her alone.. she stormed out of the house, I felt a burn on my face, I lifted my hand to wipe my face

I was.. crying?.. tears started to roll down my face as I tried wiping them away, I sat down on the floor and started to sniffle

Did I just yell and Ranboo?.. shit.. I messed up. I ran to the portal to find the egg, I'll talk to Ranboo later but the egg is really important right now..

It could literally ruin the whole server

Time skip<3

I was now on the prime path, I was looking around for some type of egg, but there was none "well hello there.." a voice spoke behinds you, you turned to see some type of demon like figure

He was white and black, he had a hood on but his eyes glowed a white color ( this is badboyhalo when he was under control of the egg :] ) 

"I'm bad by the way, who are you?" He asked in a kind tone "I'm Y/n.. uhh by any chance have you seen a red egg?" I asked, he became excited as a said that

"Yes of course, would you like to meet the egg?" He asked and I simply nodded and he started leading the way "soo your new right?" I nodded "yeah.. I met some nice people around here"

I smiled as we started talking about the smp, bad was kind of nice, but something was a bit of, but I shrugged it off and kept talking to him

We finally reach to a hole "jump down, there is water at the bottom that should reduce the fall" he said, "uh.. I'll just teleport.. I can't really touch water"

I said nervously, he nodded and jumped down as I teleported, we walked down a hallway and I saw red vines slowly increasing the more we walked,

Then I saw the egg, it had seemed to have grown bigger since the last time I saw it, to be far I was just 8, it seemed like it was close to hatch, something I didn't want

"So this is the egg!" Bad said as we stood infront of it

"ereh uoy sgnirb tahw ..ereht olleH" (hello there.. what brings you here)

"How did you come to the overworld.. you where not supposed to be here.."

"uoy llet I dluohs yhw dna mmH" (hmm and why should I tell you)

"Because I have asked so, how did you escape."

"dekilsid I erehwemos dekcol eb ot decrof saw I ,ot dah I" (I had to, I was forced to be locked somewhere I disliked)

"you where locked up for a good reason!" I yelled and pulled out a sword to attack it, but a red vine grabbed me from my arm,

I yelped in pain as a felt it slowly infect my hand , I took my sword and cut the vine off my hand and ran away before a other vine tried to get me again,

Ranboo POV
I broke down to tears, as much as I wanted it to stop it kept rolling down and burning my skin, I wanted to go to tubbo, he could help in this situation

I grabbed a few things when my tears calmed down, and I went to snow Chester,

Time skip<3

I finally reached snow chester and went to tubbos door and knocked, it was late at night but I knew tubbo doesn't really sleep that much at night

I saw tubbo open the door with a smile that soon faded away when he saw the burns on my face, "what happened? Are you okay??" Tubbo asked concerned in his voice

He opened the door more to let me walk in, I walked in and sat on the couch as tubbo closed the door and sat next to me,

"tubbo I messed up.. I- I made Y/n mad" I sighed as tears threaten to fall down my eyes "how did you manage that?" Tubbo asked in a concerned yet confused voice

"Y/n seemed a bit of today, well as soon as we talked about the egg, so I asked her what's wrong but she kept saying I'm fine, but I kept asking and she snapped, and ran off"

I felt arms rap around me, it was tubbo, I hugged him back as we sat in comfortable silence "Ranboo, it isnt your fault, she might have something on her mind, she'll l tell you sooner or later"

I heard tubbos muffled voice, we sat there and talked for a bit taking my mind of Y/n, but then we hear a loud knock..

3rd POV
Tubbo went to the door and opened it, his eyes widened "Y/N??? WHAT HAPPENED??"Tubbo yelled as he helped the girl

Ranboo didn't know what was happening, he went to help Y/n with tubbo, but then he saw her arm, it was now seemed to be infected by red, he panicked and they both carried her to the couch

Ranboo went to get some potions as tubbo kept asking her about what happened, Ranboo came back with healing potions, regeneration potions and some bandages, he gave Y/n regeneration potion for her to drink and put the healing potion on her arm

As he applied the healing potion onto her arm, she squealed a bit, then he took the bandage and wrapped her arm with it, "hey Y/n, can you tell me how you got your wound?" Tubbo asked

"t-the egg.." she said as tubbo and Ranboos eyes widened "why did you go there??!" Tubbo asked almost yelling

"It's not supposed to be here.. it's supposed to be locked up where it can't hurt anything" she said  "that isn't a reason to go there??" She sighed and shook her head

"Last time I saw it, it was small, as big as you tubbo" I snickered "hey what's that supposed to mean" Y/n and Ranboo laughed a bit as tubbo crossed his arms

"Anyways.. Y/n get some rest so you can heal, don't go to that egg, please" Tubbo said as he went to go sleep, he left Ranboo and Y/n alone,

It was a awkward silence "I'm sorry" they mumbled at the same time, "why are you sorry?" Y/n asked "well, I should have just waited for you to tell me and not keep begging you to tell me"

He chuckled a bit "you where checking up on me, I was the one who just snapped for no reason" y/n said as she put her head on Ranboos shoulder

Ranboo stiffened but slowly calms down "good night Ranboo"

"Good night Y/n"


A/n hey!! I'm posting more often pog? I don't feel like proof reading this chapter- so I'm gonna do that later :))) also im gonna name that ender mite that Ranboo has Valin after my cat :D I kinda like this chapter but also eh, and also longest chapter pog? anyways go eat something and stay hydrated! Love you guys!

My Endy&lt;3 RanbooXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now