Ranboo's first canon death

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'W-where am I? All I see is.. red' I tried looking around but all I see is red, but then I saw the egg, the egg that has been ruining the smp

"What do you want from me??" I yell to the egg

" dnah ruoy no noitcefni ym evomer dna ,elpoep gnillortnoc pots ll'I nruter ni ,rovaf llams a ekil dluow I ..lleW"
(Well.. I would like a small favor, in return I'll stop controlling people, and remove my infection on your hand)

"And what is that?" I ask wanting all of this nonsense to stop

"efil nonac tsrif sih evomer ot uoy tnaw I ,oobnaR lliK"
(Kill Ranboo, I want you to remove his first canon life)

My eyes widened, I had to kill Ranboo to save the whole overworld..
"I-ill do it.."

As soon as I agreed a saw light, it was a bright yellow, I got up from the couch to see captian puffy "hey Y/n! How are you feeling?" She asked

"Uh- good.. t-thanks, I'll need to go" I teleport out of the house and walked around, so I could calm down my nerves

"Y/n?" I heard a voice behind me, the person last  want to meet.. "oh- uh.. hey Ranboo.." I mumbled looking down and continuing to walk

"Are you okay?" He asked and I just nodded my head "y-yeah.. uh random question.. what would you do if someone killed you?"

His eyes widened "w-well.. it's kinda like a eye for a eye, if they kill me I'll kill them" he murmured, 'how am I supposed to do this??'

"Well I'll uh catch you later.." I said and teleported away, I needed to be alone, how can I do this? Without ruining our friendship?

I also didn't have anything to kill him with, I could just steal, and that's exactly what I did, I teleported to techno's house and stole a netherite axe

Thank god no one was there, I teleported out and went to find some place to stay, Ranboo would probably kick me out and techno and phill would kill me

I found a cave, it was far from the smp and from techno and phil, I teleported to Ranboos house and stole a bed, I kept everything there and now..

I have to find ranboo, I took a bandanna that I found laying around and teleported to find Ranboo, I hid my axe as I went to look for him

"Ranboo?" I kept yelling his name but I couldn't find him, maybe he's with tubbo?

I teleported to snow Chester and there he was, with tubbo, 'shit, I can't just kill him in-front of tubbo' "hey guys.." I said "hey Y/n! I was just about to leave, foolish idea asking about the mansion thing"

Tubbo said smiling at me, he said his goodbyes and left "y/n.. is there something bothering you.." Ranboo asked

"Uh- I have a surprise, put this bandanna on your eyes" I stuttered out, and I saw Ranboos eyebrows perk up

He smiled and took the bandanna, he covered his eyes with the black bandanna, I grab his wrist and teleport him somewhere else, where no one can see

"I'm.. sorry Ranboo.. I know you won't forgive me but I'm sorry.." I said and before he could reply I killed him, I felt tears fall down my eyes as I saw Ranboos body disappear

I saw his items on the floor, I took them and put them in a chest, and left the chest where I killed him and teleported to the cave,

I stayed there, crying as a made my self into a ball.

Ranboo POV

Did Y/n just.. kill me..? W-why?.. so many questions ran threw my head, I felt betrayed, did she do all that to earn my trust and kill me?

I teleported to tubbos house and he was sitting on the couch with micheal "t-tubbo..I need to tell you something.." I mumbled

He looked at me and his eyes widened, he told micheal to go upstairs and patted the couch gesturing for me to sit on the couch

I sat next to him and buried my face in my hands
"Tubbo.. I have 2 more lives left.. and it was because of Y/n.."

"W-wait.. WHAT?? SHE KILLED YOU?" Tubbo screamed with anger "oh as soon as I see her she will be fucking dead" I felt two arms rap around me

It was tubbo, "hey.. Ranboo, you can stay with me if you would like" Tubbo said softly I nodded and hugged back.


:] I'm sorry not sorry hehehe, anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)) and I really don't have anything else to say so yeah! Love you guys and eat some food and stay hydrated bye bye <3 :)

Not proof read :)

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