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Tubbo POV
I wake up and I went downstairs to make some breakfast, as I went down I saw Y/n and Ranboo cuddling

Jeeze why do they have to cuddle at my house I'm third wheeling at this point I giggle and went to make some pancakes.

Ranboo POV
I wake up to see Y/n cuddled up next to me, I blush a purple and slowly remove Y/n off my shoulder, she moves a bit but was still fast asleep

I went to the kitchen and saw tubbo making pancakes " good morning tubbo" I said as I walked up to him "g'morning ranboo!" He said as he went to look at me and gave me a soft smile

"You guys only cuddle at my house" Tubbo teased as a purple blush slowly crept up on my face, my tail swished side to side staying low as a avoided eye contact

Tubbo giggled as he saw me get nervous "go sit down Ranboo, I'll give you you're good soon" he said as I walked to the chairs

I heard footsteps, as I saw Y/n enter the kitchen "hey Y/n! How is your hand?" tubbo asked "hey guys! And my hand still hurts but I think I'll be fine though"

She walked to the seat next to me and sat down, as tubbo served food for me and Y/n including himself, we all ate and had some conversations here and there but mostly stayed in a comfortable silence

Time skip<3

Tubbo and Ranboo left to do something, they didn't tell me what though, I teleported on a tower and sat there with my thoughts, then i heard someone climb up the ladder

I look behind me to see Tommy, "hey Y/n, can you come mining with me? Tubbo and Ranboo said there where busy" I Scoffed "what am I your last option?"

Tommy rolled his eyes "maybe" he said and I playfully glared, I teleported down as Tommy went down the ladder

Tommy gave me a iron pickaxes  and we went to a cave, we went down into the mine and avoiding or killing mobs, I found some iron, red stone, coal and gold, but Tommy wanted diamonds

We went even deeper in the cave as we went down we saw a lava pool, there was some diamonds near it "how do we get there?" Tommy pulled out a water bucket and spilled it on the lava

"TOMMY" I yelled as he glanced over to me, I teleported away as Tommy instantly took the water, "SORRY I FORGOT" I sighed and teleported next to him

I placed down blocks as we got closer to the diamonds, I mined the diamonds and gave them to Tommy, he smiled and murmured a thank you

In total we got 4 diamonds, a stack iron, two stacks of coal, 31 gold, a stack and 23 red stone and 47 lapis lazuli

"Hey quick question, can you teleport people with you?" Tommy asked "uh.. I never teleported a human.. why do you ask?"

"Well I thought you could teleport both of us out of here so we can leave quicker" he said, "there is a risk of doing that though.. it's probably not a good idea"

I said as Tommy groaned "ughhh I don't wanna walk till the outside of the cave thougghhh" he whined "well, if you would want to have a risk of being stuck in some sort of black void then I'll do it"

He instantly went quite as I laughed "if you where part enderman I would, because there is no risk" I said "but they can already teleport plus I don't wanna be Ranboo 2.0"

He said as we both laughed, we finally reached the top and it was sunset "Tommy you can keep all the stuff" I said out of no where "no we can split" he said

"Well.. I'm gonna go so keep the stuff! Bye bye!" I said and teleported to Ranboos house


We are so close to 400 views!! Thank you so much!! Also what do you think tubbo and Ranboo are planning :) sorry for a short chapter, love you guys! Go eat someyting and stay

Not proof read

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