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I left a few minutes after Ranboo and tubbo left, I just wanted to walk around and get some items , I want to make a better apology

I went to a flower field that I found while I was searching for a cave before, I saw some sheep's and started shearing the wool, I put it in a bag and searched for flowers

I found some yellow,pink,purple,white, red and green ones, i put it in the bag and teleported back home.

I got a lot of flowers and wool and I calculated and found out it was enough to make 2 flower crowns and 2 capes, I started working on the capes first,

ItI started using the flowers as dye, I took the flowers and got some pots for each different colored flower,

I started cutting them up putting them into the pots, removing the stem in the process, I went outside and started to make a campfire, I pus some wood and coal, then got some cobble and surround the campfire,

I got a flint and steal and lit the campfire up, then i slowly but carefully took the pots so they could boil, as they boiled I started taking the extra flowers to make flower crowns

'Shit how to I get black dye..' I thought, I went to Phil's door and knocked "Come in!" I heard I muffled yell

I opened the door and cringed as it creaked, I went down the ladder and saw phil making something "hey Phil you got any black dye?" I asked "first chest, upstairs." He replied

I went back up and opened the first chest and found the black dye in a bag "thanks Phil!" I yell as I leave with the black dye "no problem mate." I hear him yell back as I close the door

I smiled and walked back to Ranboos house and went to the flowers, I saw that the colors from the flowers had went to the water,

I placed down the bag of black dye and went to the pots and carried them off the campfire and started dying the wool

'I hope I can finish this before Ranboo comes home..'

Ranboo POV

I woke up to a bright light and 2 muffled voices, I sat up as my vision cleared "Ranboo are you good bud?" I heard tubbo say "y-yeah.. " I said as I stood up

"How long have I been out for..?" I asked "uh... I think 2 hours?" He replied, my eyes widened a bit '2 hours?!' "I'm going f-for a walk.." I stuttered out and sped walked out

I needed some time alone.. I didn't know who to believe now.. y/n.. or tubbo.. I groaned not knowing who to believe

I sat down in a forest I found and thought about it.. maybe tubbo is right.. she doesn't have anything to prove it

As I continued to think, I didn't notice how late it got, I sighed and teleported back home, I'll need to talk to Y/n

I walked inside and saw y/n sitting down on the couch with P/n (pet name for the endermite cuz y'all had so many good names and I couldn't fucking choose :,] )

She looked up at me and softly smiled "hey Y/n.. uhm.. can we talk..?" As I said that I saw her smile slowly fade away

"S-sure.." I sat down next to her and sighed "how do I not know your lying?" I muttered, not making eye contact

"I-I don't know.. I guess you have to t-take my word for it." She replied "y/n.. did you lie..?" I mumbled "n-no.. I wouldn't." She said in a low voice

"Tubbo is probably right. You probably just lied." I said in a monotone voice as I stood up "leave." I demanded "w-what..?" She asked with a crack

" I said leave." "B-bu-" "LEAVE." I yelled out, she stumbled back and I saw her eyes turn glossy, she ran out of my house as I sighed, trying to keep my tears from coming out

I walked upstairs and saw something folded up on my bed, I walked up to it and unfolded it

I walked upstairs and saw something folded up on my bed, I walked up to it and unfolded it

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( my drawings btw!!)

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( my drawings btw!!)

I saw a little note attached to one of the capes and it said

"Hey Ranboo! I know this can't fix what I did, but I hope you like the matching capes and the flower crowns :D there not the best but I tried! - Y/n"

I felt tears burn my skin as it rolled down my face, I fell to my knees trying to stop my tears, 'I've messed up..'


YOOOO SPOOKY MONTH TIME YAY I hope you guys like this chapter hahaha- also sorry if you guys don't like the capes! Also can we pretend there are green flowers in mc? Okay? Now I will watch mcc rising so.. Go drink some water and eat some food! I love you guys and see you next chapter!!

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