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Jimin's pov

I reached her house and opened the door through my spare key, the lights were off which meant she was prolly in her room.

I went to her room, only to find her in a deep slumber wrapped in her comforter, he saw an half eaten ramen cup which meant she had some ramen before sleeping.

"well atleast she had something", I went towards her sleeping figure and saw her tear stained cheeks.

author's pov

"Jimin sat next to her sleeping figure while he tucked few strands of her hair behind her ears, "i hope you know you're the prettiest, most hardworking, amazing and talented girl we've ever seen, i don't know what had gotten into jungkook, you deserve to debut and you will debut, I promise you the day will come when you get your first music show win and we'll celebrate together, i can't wait for that day, i hope you know we love you so much and wouldn't trade you for anything in the world" jimin told her sleeping figure and then pecked her head .

 just as he was about to get up he felt her hold his wrist, stay here please she said in a soft voice, tears still brimming at the corner of her eyes, "y/nah, when did you wake up?" "when i heard the sound of my bedroom door creek open" she said and sat up "I'm sorry did I disturb your sleep? "no, i wasn't able to sleep, i tried to, my mind was just crowded with so many thoughts and your words made me feel 10 times better thank you" she said on the verge of crying again.

he pulled her into his embrace and let her cry, "y/nah, it's completely on you if you want to talk it out with him, give yourself time or whatever you wanna do, just make sure you don't hurt yourself more. She nodded, "im pretty sure he is better off without me anyway" "y/nah" he said rubbing her back," it's late now, go to sleep" "please don't go" "im not going anywhere, I'm right here hmm?" he said pecking her temple, she soon drifted to sleep cuddling jimin while he played with her hair.


Jimin the best boy :(((((


xoxo <3

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