Chapter 1 - Surreal >>

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Today when I was sleeping at evening after completing my task, I had a dream and that dream was so mesmerising...

The dream I had, I think I will never forget about this moment cause in my dream, I saw what I desire for a decades.

"i was studying in my room my whole mind was on my study, suddenly I felt like someone was standing at my window, when I turned and look, I was totally flustered for a minute I frozed on the spot.

I saw 2 boys standing outside of the window, one of them wore a black shirt and one was who is standing by his side wore a white shirt and this face looked so familiar to me. He is the boy who I had fallen before 2 years ago but sadly he refused me at that time.

The boy who never cast a glance on me, today he keep staring me, I don't know what to do and say., my senses was totally blanked coz I can't stand his presence near me or I can say I never experience this before so it's my first time. After a couple of minutes I came back in my senses, I started walking toward my window. You know at that time when I was taking single step my heart was pounding like I will get cardiac attack any second ... For a sec I felt like my heart was going to explode but still by holding my breath I reached at my window...

Then I ask why are you here, don't you have manners how can you look inside of someone's room without their permission. Black shirt guy I don't know his name actually it's my first time I have seen him maybe he will be one of his cousins who live in another city. I don't know why but the white shirt guy (my ex crush) had no expression on his face "he never had whenever he saw me".

He just walk away without answering a single shirt guy has smirked at me. And it was so offensive. So I just jumped out of my window,and ran toward him grabbed his hand,i never had ever encountered of any physical touch with him, its my first-gawd istg!! I
held his hand. I was out of my mind when I came in my senses I asked myself inside my mind what am I doing rn?

My mind was totally blanked and I didn't have any idea what to do next, but at the moment something popped up in my head today is the day to confront him, right now where you standing, you have a great opportunity to confront him.... Do it rn, ask him everything why he did that? Why he don't like you? Why you give me thought that you also like me? Why? I had a lot of questions in my head that was making me angry but answers are None....

He was standing in front of me without any move when I raised up my face too see him, my eyes directly dart in his eyes, we got lost in each other eye's .. But rn the way he see me I didn't find word to explain. I feel pain, love, care everything same the way I felt for him....

What else I want? Nothing I just want him, I want to touch him,i want to hug him tightly that he never gonna get away from me, kiss him (wanna taste his lips I wanna feel his lips on mine), I wanted to feel his cologne..
Everything was just fantasy , my imagination that I had for a couple of years since the day when I had fallen for this manipulating boy...

After a few minute of silence he was the one who broke my beautiful imaginations . He started screaming he was so maniac he said, do you know what are you doing right now? The way you are behaving it feels like you still love me, your eyes saying thousand of words and it's bothering me. Whenever I see you,i feel the same, can you please tell me what you want from me? When his words "what you want from me" dropped from his lips I start feeling anxious ( I have anxiety problem when I was adolescent if I feel nervous my anxiety start getting worsen, and it's not curable)..

I am loosening my grip so I just want to leave I want to fucking leave this place I can't stand his presence beside me I can't stand in front of him, I can't show the tears that gonna shed any sec in a moment, I don't want to show him that I still have a feeling for him I never had moved on by my one sided love for him,,I can't I just can't do it..
I just walk away from his side..

He ran toward me and now he is in front of me again, again he is doing this, what I do? how I run away? Am I the only one who is responsible for everything that happened so far? Am I responsible cause I can't wash away your memories from my shitty head?

He hold top of my arms with his hand and start breathing so deeply and next step he takes come closure to me and said!!!!!

Hey everyone!! Its my first story I really wish you will like it....
Umm, and am sorry for grammatical mistakes.. I hope you will find this interesting....

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