Chapter 6-Mid Jan ^^

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In a mid Jan, my parents got a plan to go on vacation and they bought a ticket and surprised me and my siblings, my siblings want to go so they all were packing for tomorrow.

I didn't have any plan because all I had in my mind that I don't want to go far and loose a chance to see him,
so I went to my parents bedroom I was nervous and hesitating when I went in the room my father was sitting on the bed and my mother was fetching dress from wardrobe, and when they saw me entering the room.....

they asked me what's the matter luna? Do you need anything?

My heart was thumping and I was sweating that they will scold me, and not allow me to let alone stay at home, my father asked me Luna, are you okay? I said in utterly voice umm father, I am not feeling well and I have some assignments to complete from school, so I think I can't go on vacation..

My father said that okay if you don't want to go but how you will alone stay at home, still you are young? And its not convenient to let you stay here alone, my mom also agreed with Father...

Next moment hesitately, I get my grip and open my mouth, father I am having my headache, its getting worst and I am scared if I go out maybe I will start getting drowsy and that will impact trip and I don't want to be burden so please lemme stay here I can get better by staying at home....

MY father didn't say anything for a minute, after a long thought, he said okay stay at home but firstly go and Checkup again, if you're doing well or not?

Next morning they all were ready to go they had a flight at 10, so they have to go early, they all came in lawn with their bags ready, all of my siblings were so excited my parents also.........

I feel a little bit sad that they will not be around and why am staying?All of them get their luggage in the car.. They all get in the car and left...

I was all alone standing in the front of my house its already 9:30 and the employees of the Company had started to coming. I turned to go inside home...

Suddenly a very fast black sports car stopped at the another side of the road at the front at the front of the company .. i turn back and try to figure out who is the mannerless person driving the car..

A boy came out of the car by the driving side of the car he was wearing black shirt and Pant and also the sneakers all was in black , he was standing so far but still his slender figure from the back was so sexy i was sticked at my place and felt like everything else got stopped, I can't take off my eyes from the stunning figure it keeps blowing off my mind I was feeling so hot so sudden.

when he turned my whole body start burning bcoz he is the boy that I had crush on, and he was looking so sexy in all black from top to toe I can see his handsome face and sharp jawline and his dark brown eyes, he is so stunning that i just want to run to him and kiss him on his lips, not only his lips but all over his body, sadly I can't :(((

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