Chapter Two

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She opened her eyes to see the obtrusive sun piercing her corneas.

She closed her eyes against it as she sat up. She was still in her undergarments, but she was back in her cell. Scott. Reaching up, she gently placed her fingers on the sore spots on her neck.

A deep grumble rattled within. She was hungry and dying to get a sip of water. She glanced around the room, praying to find some sort of water or food. Yet her efforts were futile for there had been nothing edible. Only that stupid metal chair.

She crawled toward the window and perched herself below it against the wall. She knew that if she were to remain unclothed for too long, so could possibly get hypothermia. What she didn't realize was that getting hypothermia from the bitter cold, was nothing compared to what she was about to experience. When Sebastian, Scott, Micah, and two other men came in, they found her in the same position. All of the men, except Micah, scoffed at how incredible innocent and fragile she looked from a distance. Her dark hair was going out in all directions, and her entire body was caked in dirt, snow coming in through the window, and blood.

"Morning, Wenig Gefangene," [Little Prisoner] Scott greeted, a cheeky grin upon his face.

It still baffled her how much these idiotic Germans had changed Scott. It had only been four years since his disappearance, and it was disturbing to her seeing him act this way. He was always the type of person to go out of his way to make someone happy - he did that quite often to impress her.

She hadn't been here a week, and she knew that this place was far worse that she had imagined.

"What, no hello?" he asked, feigning hurt. She huffed and crossed her arms. "Well, someone isn't in a good mood."

"I'm sorry that being held hostage has put a damper on my mood." She quipped.

Sebastian proceeded to make a tisk-tisk sound with his tongue as if he were disappointed with what she had said. "That's very upsetting to hear. And here I thought we were all just starting to be friends. But maybe you'll warm up to Tobias and Hans? Hmm, what do you say I let you three get acquainted?"

"I say, that sounds great," Tobias replied, rubbing his hands together.

She suddenly felt fear settle in her veins when the two men came toward her. Sebastian, Micah, and Scott walked away, leaving the men to tend to their captive Italian. Hans grabbed her by the arms as she put them up defensively. He dragged her toward the door and they took her into a room which could only be described as one thing: The Torture Room.

It had a long silver table - like an operating table - with restraints, and multiple shelves full of weapons and various torture devices. Several blades had been pulled off the shelves and placed upon a small silver cart next to the table, prepped and ready for use. She breathed in heavily, not wanting to become a victim of this degree of torture. One man put his lips next to her ear.

"You know..." Tobias started, "...we got these for you."

His tone alone sent chills down her spine. She wanted nothing more than to holler out for help, but she wasn't the type of person to cry for help. She never needed anyone to save her. She never thought this would be where she ended up.

They dragged her as she tried to squirm and fight her way out of their grasp. Her attempts proved to be nothing short of feeble because these men were big and not easy to overpower. She knew the reason why she couldn't fight them was because of her malnutrition at the moment, if she were at her pique health then these two men would have already been on the ground. When they finally managed to get her to the table they attached the shackles to her wrists and ankles. They restrained her so tightly that her hands and feet grew numb. She couldn't move them at all, not even wiggle her fingers or toes. On the table her legs were spread and her arms were tied above her head.

She was powerless.

Hans went over to the shelf whilst Tobias left the room. She grew curious as to why he left, then again, when she gave it a second thought, she really didn't want to know why. She looked over at Hans and watched as he admired each and every tool which was at his disposal. There were knifes of various shapes and sizes and lengths, a multitude of whips, versions of medieval weapons, and several torches. Hans' eyes seemed to light up at the sight of the torches.

Just as he grabbed one, Tobias walked in with three other men. She was sent into a fury. She began wriggling and manically moving, yet she couldn't break free. Just then, Hans brought over his torch and pressed it against her olive-tan thigh. The five of them watched as she screamed in sheer, unadulterated agony. She could feel the flame burn through her tissue, feeling as though it was charring her bone. Hans removed the torch, and moved the torch up as if he were going to burn her side.

She shook her head, a lone tear falling from her eye. It trickled down her cheek, left forever unseen by the rest of the world. Hans then pressed the flame against her side. She flinched away and let out a blood curdling scream. The back of her brain pinched, and five gasps sounded throughout the room. Hans dropped the torch and it clattered against the stone floor. She opened her eyes to see that at least a dozen objects were floating in midair. One of the men reached out and tapped the floating knife that was hovering in front of his face.

Her eyes widened at the revelation occurring right in front of her eyes.
The base of her skull felt as though someone was jabbing a small - lethal - dagger into the tissue. The sensation was extremely painful, but at the same time, it was also strangely exhilarating. A strong sense of power surged through her entire being, the Super-Soldier was creating wonders inside her body.

She closed her eyes and laid her head back and all of the floating objects dropped to the floor. The men were hesitant to approach her for a few moments, just watching her chest rising and falling erratically, the tips of her fingers were twitching and the muscles in her arms and legs were convulsing violently. Their minds were reeling with curiosity and questions. What is wrong with her? Is she having a seizure? What did these Germans do to her?

They exchange confused glances while a few of them shrugged their shoulders, deciding that it was about time they got over her "tantrum" and proceed with the torturing. Her breathing was still sporadic and she could feel her flesh trying desperately to heal itself, but in her weakened state the healing proved to be futile.

The burns were painful, but not nearly as painful as the knives. Hans eventually grew tired of the torch after another forty-five minutes of burning her, and then he wanted to move on to something more. He went over to the rather impressive collection of knives and pulled out his desired one. He twirled it in his fingers and smirked at her. He pressed the tip of the blade at the top of her ribs and drug down.

Yells and screams and yelps escaped her mouth as Hans continued to cut, slit, and stab her wherever he wanted. Blood covered her entire body, her undergarments dripping in dark red. The smell that wafted through the room caused her stomach to churn. Suddenly, the metallic scent became so overpowering she felt bile begin to creep up the back of her throat. She grimly swallowed and gagged.

When Sebastian and Scott found her, she was still restrained to the silver table. They tisked when they saw the cuts and burns, knowing the five men had done quite a number on her. Scott knew of many forms of torture and he planned on getting to each one while they had her with them.

"I take it Hans had a lot of fun with you," Scott said.

She remained quiet. She couldn't respond. She was in a severe state of pain, a pain so strong she couldn't ever speak. What she didn't know was that they hadn't even scratched the metaphorical surface of what she was going to endure. Sebastian released one of her hands and Scott undid the other. Once she was completely unrestrained, Scott dragged her limp form from the room and into the one she had become accustomed to. But she was frightened by what she saw.

There were ropes hanging from the ceiling. She began to wonder what they were for; she couldn't help but be curious. What Sebastian said next frightened her even further than imaginable. She had witnessed this torture method first hand back when she worked for the Reformation Corp in South America. They would use this to get information out of Government Officials.

"Welcome to the Strappado," Sebastian whispered.

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