Chapter Four

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She listened closely as all of the hoopla and noise the Germans had created died down and she perched the chair against the wall. Her whole body ached and screamed at her to stop, but she knew she had to do this. If she wanted to live long enough to see Steve again, she had to at least try.

She climbed onto the chair and peered outside. She saw no one. The bars were not that narrow. In fact, they seemed to be the perfect distance apart. She used all the strength she could muster to pull herself up and push herself through the bars. She lay down on the snow covered ground, trying to ignore the burn the snow caused, but allowed herself to catch her breath and slowly the pain she felt subsided.

Christina rose from the ground, remaining low. She kept a wary eye on everything in her sights. She started to slowly walk a few steps but after a while, she steadily began to run. She had just made it to the edge of the facility before she felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her waist.

"You're mine now, bitch," Tobias seethed.

Fear. It was all she felt at that very moment. Fear. She had tried so hard to escape from the camp and from his grasp but she failed at both. Tobias chuckled at how feeble and senseless her attempts were. He dragged her all the way to the area of space between a series of three buildings.

"Sebastian!" Tobias shouted.

At the sound of him being beckoned, he came running. He saw Tobias holding onto a struggling Christina. He was shocked and angry. "What are you doing with her?"

"She tried to escape," He told him, tossing Christina toward him. She stumbled slightly before falling to the ground.

"You know, I have to admire your persistence. You've been here all of five days and you've already tried escaping twice." Sebastian replied, clapping his hands in feign applause. "Too bad you failed, twice."

He didn't wait for Christina to reply, bending down he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her toward a wooden contraption in the middle of an open area. It had a single rope hanging from the middle and it reminded Christina of the medieval contraption: the gallows. Sebastian wrapped the rope around Christina's wrists meticulously and strung her up. Her arms felt as though they had been ran over by a semi and she was still only wearing her undergarments. She felt degraded and humiliated.

Christina sniffed back the tears and watched as both Tobias and Sebastian abandoned her. She cautiously began to wonder what was in store for her.
Her heightened hearing picked up on at least twenty sets of footfall approaching her. When she opened her eyes, she found all of Marcel's men lined up in a straight line. Her heart fell into her stomach at the sight of Micah - how much she wished he didn't have to see her like this.

"Gentlemen, you are about to witness firsthand what happens when a hostage escapes." Sebastian announced.

Christina hung her head and listened to Sebastian brutalize her in front of them without even laying a hand on her. His words were enough. Suddenly, Tobias returned with the various kinds of whips made out of rope, rubber, and leather. When Christina saw them, she began thrashing which only caused her arms' ache to become stronger. Her muscles began to quiver with fear when Tobias stepped around her and stood erect behind her. This was it. She knew exactly what was next.

With a sudden crack of the whip, he slashed it against her back, leaving three long gashes on her back. They were red and inflamed. He reared back the whip again, cracking it a second time. He repeated this process for fifteen whole agonizing minutes until her entire back became unrecognizable. It looked so damaged and mangled and irreparable.

Christina's eyes slowly fluttered open and she instantly caught Micah's eyes. Micah was standing directly in front of her; his mouth was gaped open, his eyes widened in shock as tears streamed down his face.

Scott went up to her and forced her to press her lips to his. She pulled away and kicked him in his testicles. When he recovered from the blow he stood back up and grabbed her by her breasts through her bra. He squeezed them to such a degree that it became painful to Christina. She screamed out which caused him to smile.

He leaned down and bit down into the flesh at the base of her neck, leaving an impression in the skin. As he bit into her she hollered out again. She couldn't help it. She felt pain pulsing through every part of her. Scott soon cut her down and drug her limp and exposed body through the snow on her back. It hurt worse than the lashing itself. She felt the freezing snow and rocks embed themselves deep into her lashes which mar her back. When he returned her to her cell, Christina had no idea that another form of torture was in play right then.

For two whole weeks they had not visited her except to give her little scraps of bread and sips of water. That was all she had to eat and drink. Her stomach ached for the luxurious food she had known in America. She missed pizza, and movie nights with Steve.

The whole time they had left her there, she had not tried to escape or anything of the sorts. She just thought about everyone she had every cared about. She especially thought about Steve. He crossed her mind every single day.

Christina was aware that she may never see any of them ever again. She was also aware that starvation and dehydration were forms of torture and Sebastian said he would use any technique he'd have to. After those two weeks were up, that next morning she was in for quite the surprise.

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