Chapter Eight

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Christina clamped her hands over her ears, her intensified hearing heightening the shrill, deafening bursts of the alarm. She blinked rapidly, shifting her unique eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness.

She sensed Liam stand up, then heard him shuffling about. "The guard's gone!" he shouted. "I can't find her!"

As soon as he said the last word, that sound of power charging filled the gaps between the whines of the alarm, followed by the pop of a grenade exploding against the ground.
The flames lit up the room; Christina saw a shadowy figure running away from them back down the hall, gradually disappearing in the gloom.

"My fault," Liam muttered.

"Get back in position," Christina said.
"Feel for the crack where the doors open. I'll use Sebastian's key card. Be ready!"

She felt around on the wall until she found the right place, then swiped the card; there was an audible click, and one of the doors began to swing inward.

"Start shooting!" Micah shouted.

Liam, and Micah began to launch fiery grenades through the doorway into the darkness. Christina carefully got into position and followed suit, shooting into the fray of dancing flames that now flickered on the far side of the doors. It took a few seconds between rounds, but soon they had created a blinding display of fire and explosions. There was no sign of people anywhere, no answering fire.

Christina let her gun drop to her side. "Stop!" she yelled. "Don't waste any more ammunition!"

Micah let one last grenade fly, but then they all stood and waited for some of the fire to die down so they could safely enter the room. Christina turned to Micah, speaking loudly to be heard over the noise. "Do you know anything that'll help us? Where is everyone?"

He shook his head. "I have to be honest - something definitely feels off."

Christina held up her weapon and walked through the doorway. She wanted to get somewhere safer before the fire from the grenades disappeared entirely. From the shallow pool of her infant memories, she knew that she'd been here numerous of times - she just wished she had been old enough to remember the layout. She realized again how important Micah was to their freedom.

The alarm abruptly stopped.

"What the -" Christina had started too loud, and quieted herself. "What the fuck?"

"Just because they turned it off doesn't mean anything." Liam replied.

The glow from the fiery bolts had disappeared, but the room on this side of the doorway had emergency lights that cast everything in a dark green haze. They stood in a large meeting area with large tables and few scattered chairs. But the room was empty of any sign of human life.

"For all the years I've been here, I've never seen people enter this room."
Micah announced, taking in the space around him. "The whole place is empty."

"What's next, Christina?"

Christina thought for a second. They had to find a way out of here. "Okay," she said. "Micah, we really need your help. We need to get to the garage and find a vehicle of some sort. Do you know where we can stock up on weapons?"

"Weapons depot's on the way to the garage," Micah answered. "But it's most likely guarded."

"I've been through worse," Christina offered, adjusting the strap on her shoulder.

Micah pointed down one of two hallways that branched off the meeting area. "It's that way."
- - - -
Micah led Christina and Liam through turn after turn, the dull green emergency beacons lighting the way.
They met no resistance. After a good fifteen minutes of jogging, they reached the weapons depot. Christina stopped in the hallway, surprised to find the door swung wide open. From what she could see, the shelves inside seemed fully stocked.

"Someone's setting us up," she muttered.

"Has to be," Liam added. "Everyone suddenly disappears, doors are unlocked, weapons sitting at our disposal."

"Definitely a set up," Micah added.
​At the sound of his voice, Liam turned on him. "How do we know you're not in on it?" he demanded.

He answered in a weary voice. "All I can say is that I swear I'm not. I have no idea what's happening."
​Christina had already wandered into the weapons room. "Look at this," she called.

When Micah and Liam entered the room Christina was pointing to a section of empty wall space and shelves. "Look at the dust patterns. It's pretty obvious that a bunch of stuff was taken recently. Maybe even within the last hour or so."

"There had to have been two or three dozen guns and other weapons in this section, and now they're all gone. Very recently. In the last hour or so, like Christina said."

"Yeah?" Liam prodded, just as it clicked for Christina.

Micah held his hands out as though the answer should be obvious. "Guards only come here when they need a replacement or want to use something besides these fiery-grenade launchers. Why would they all need to do that at the same time? Today? And these grenade launchers are so heavy, you can't fire them if you're carrying another weapon, too. Where are the weapons they would have left behind?"

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