Chapter Three

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The Strappado is a form of torture in which the victim's hands are first tied behind their back and suspended in the air by means of a rope attached to wrists, which causes both arms to be dislocated. When she heard these words she instantly began fighting Scott's grasp. Sebastian assisted him in restraining the Italian before stringing her up by her wrists.

"No, don't. I'm begging you." She pleaded frantically as they finished tying her up.

"Well, it looks like our Wenig Gefangene, is familiar with Strappado." Scott declared amused.

Sebastian smiled wickedly and gave Scott the approval to start pulling the rope. This caused her to go into the air. From experience, she knew that this process was not quick. It was extremely slow. She could feel gravity and her weight start to pull her arms away from her body. She started wailing and sobbing, she knew that there was no way she was going to make it out of here alive.

Soon gravity overcame all forces and as her left elbow and right shoulder became dislocated; her ear-piercing screams filled the air around them.
The pain was excruciating and unbearable. She shouted to them what they wanted to know.

"CHRISTINA!" she screamed.

They instantly dropped her to the ground and she lay there limp and quivering in pain. It was one of the worst pain she had felt in her entire life. Scott and Sebastian picked her up by her afflicted arms and flung her into the nearest wall. They left her there like a piece of garbage while they picked up the ropes and pulleys.

Moments later, Sebastian had gotten everything and everyone cleared out of the room except for her and a chair. "I can have someone fix your arms when you tell me what your last name is." He said, moving her to sit upon the chair.

"I will never tell you."

"With a dislocated shoulder and elbow, Christina, I know for a fact you are not that resilient." Sebastian replied.

He was right, and they both knew it.

"So, Christina, you can cooperate or...I can have Scott introduce you to his favorite form of torture."

"Which is?" She asked, trying to breathe through the pain.

"You will find out soon enough,"

She looked down at her lap, wrists bruised and burned from the severity of the ropes. Just then her mind flashed back to her original escape plan. She knew she had to have her arms fixed for her to be able to make her plan work. She had no other choice.

"Sitma," Christina said in a low voice.

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you," he said, putting his hand behind her hear.

"Sitma," she said in a louder voice.

"Now, where do I know that name?" He thought to himself aloud, tapping his chin as he pondered. "No, it couldn't be. I would be too convenient."


"Are you by any chance the daughter of Dr. Adriana and Dr. Gabrielle Sitma, HYDRA spies?" he asked, his voice dripping with curiosity.

"Yes," Christina whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

Sebastian suddenly seemed overcome with joy. It was as if he had a personal vendetta against her dead mother and father. "This is a dream come true. Scott!"

Suddenly, Scott came bursting into the cell with a medical kit in hand. Scott had gone to medical school before becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, so he knew how to reset dislocated joints, but at the same time he knew how to inflict the most pain while doing so, and he did just that. Sebastian watched as Christina screamed out in pain. She could feel her shoulder blade grinding back in place, and her elbow being pulled first before being shoved into its proper position. When he finished he and Sebastian walked out of the room. She was yet again, left alone in the cell. She used the potentially little time she had to scheme. She was back in the cell with the window, she could now see that it was about mid-evening and that darkness would soon swallow the snow-covered land. Tonight she would make her escape.

Tonight she would be free.

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