Chapter Six

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"Liam, no," Christina cried as she crawled over to him, ignoring the pain that was engulfing her body. "No! Please, God, no. Liam, wake up!" She shouted, shaking his body harshly. "Please! Wake up, Chris. Wake up, Chris." She mumbled to herself, slapping her cheeks angrily, trying desperately to wake herself from this horrid nightmare. "I'm sorry, Liam. I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen to you. You were never meant to end up like this."

Christina slapped her hands on his chest, as the back of her brain pinched ferociously. The tips of her fingers tingled, like little bits of lightning were striking the pads of her fingers. Liam! She called out in her mind. Again and again, mentally screaming it with her eyes closed and jaw clenched. Wake up!

"Christina," Micah said, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder. "What's wrong with you?"

Christina opened her eyes, she realized she was doubled over with her forehead pressed against Liam's chest, arms wrapped around her stomach and had blood flowing out of her nose. She straightened, opening her mouth to speak when suddenly a low moan was heard. Her eyes snapped to where the noise had come from and saw Liam's eyes slowly fluttering open.


"Christina, what are you doing here?" Liam asked, his voice was groggy and raspy. "Matter of fact, what am I doing here? Or, where is here?"

Christina sighed in relief; she brought her hands up and examined them carefully. How did she do that?
Something was happening to her. First causing objects to float in midair telekinetically, now electricity flowing through her fingertips and restarting hearts - what's next, reading minds?

"Well, um...welcome back, L - Liam? It's Liam, right?" Micah asked, unsure and Liam nodded. "Okay, well, here is a place very unsafe and if you don't mind, we've got to get going."

Liam and Christina both stood and she wearily stumbled, bumping into Liam.
He glanced down at her, taking in her tortured state, he decided against asking and wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her as the three of them moved forward, evading bodies in the process.

When they exited the large death-filled room, they were met with the sounds of rushed footsteps. Four men and one woman, the first woman Christina has seen upon her arrival, burst into the corridor, all of them dressed in black, with gear strapped to their backs - ropes, tools, ammunition. They were all holding some sort of bulky weapon. Christina couldn't stop staring at the weapons.

Liam broke into a nervous smile. Micah's hands balled into fists.

It was now or never.

Christina didn't hesitate. She swung her elbow backward into the face of the guard behind her just as she kicked the knee of the one in front. Both fell to the floor, stunned, but recovered quickly. Out of the corner of her eye Christina saw Micah tackle a guard to the ground; Liam was punching another. But the fifth - a woman - hadn't been touched, and she was raising her weapon.

Christian dove for her, knocked the end of the weapon toward the ceiling before she could press the trigger, but she brought it around and smashed it into the side of her head. Pain exploded in her cheeks and jaw. She was already off balance, and crumpled to her knees, then flat on her stomach. She put her hands under her to get up, but a crushing weight fell on her back, slamming her to the hard tile and knocking the breath from her lungs. A knee dug into her spine, opening the wounds on her back, and she felt hard metal press against her skull.

Christina couldn't see the others, but the sounds of scuffling had already stopped. She knew that meant their mutiny had been short-lived, all three of them subdued in less than a minute. Her heart ached with despair.

She suddenly heard Micah scream. Something muffled the guard's words. Imagining one of the guards hurting Micah made Christina tremble with rage. The woman pressed her weapon even harder against her head.

"Don't...even...think about it," she whispered in her ear.

She squeezed her eyes shut, urging her brain to make some magic or miracle happen. In an instant, the unknown weapons were magically yanked out of the five guards' hands and the guards were slammed against the wall. The three of them watched in awe as the guards crumbled to the floor - unconscious.

Before any of them said anything, Christina scrambled after the weapon, grabbed it and stood up and aimed it at the groaning guards, who were holding their heads in their hands.
Micah stammered to his feet and grabbed two of the weapons and handed one of them to Liam.

Christina gasped for air, her chest heaving as adrenaline throbbed through her body. She hadn't felt so good in weeks.

"I knew you -"

Before the guard could finish, Micah fired his weapon.

A high-pitched sound pierce the air, increasing in volume for a split second before the gun discharged and kicked, making Micah jerk backward. A shiny ball of fire shot out, slammed into the woman's chest and exploded, burning a hole straight through her body.

"Holy shit," Christina muttered, staring stunned at what the weapon had done to that woman and amazed that Micah had shot it without hesitation.

Micah returned her gaze, the slightly of smiles on his face. "I've been wanting to do something like that for years." He bent over and took the dead woman's key card, slipped it into her pocket. "This'll get us in anywhere."

"Come on," Liam spoke up. "We got to get out of here before more guards show up."

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