Declassified Part 88 Christmas Morning

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      Thalia woke up with one arm stretched across her boyfriend's chest and a smile on her face. Christmas. She thought, squeezing him tightly.

      "Merry Christmas, Alex." She whispered, kissing his cheek. For a second she watched the peaceful rise and fall of his chest and then she climbed out of bed, heading into the bathroom.

      Maybe I should stay home. She thought for the thousandth time. We'll do our mini Christmas here and then Alex and his brothers can go have Christmas with their family and I'll go back to my place.

      Thalia frowned as she put toothpaste on her brush. Before their breakup she had been certain that she wouldn't go to Alex's family Christmas, not wanting to infringe on such a special occasion. But when they'd gotten back together and come back to the States things had changed a bit. When Alex had insisted that she should come, that his parents and grandparents would want her there, she'd felt a warmth blossom in her chest. She wanted to come. She to believe that his family wanted her to come. She needed it to be true.

      Everybody gets family Christmas every year. Thalia reminded herself, brushing her molars. It's only fair that I get one too.

      She knew that wasn't quite how things worked, but she wanted it so much that she let Alex convince her to come. As happy as she was that she had Alex back, she was just as happy to have his family back. She loved it when his brothers called her their sister. She melted when his niece and nephew called her Aunt Thalia. She was elated when his parents called her their daughter in law. Marriage was not even on her radar, but those family relationships meant everything to her.

      She put her toothbrush away and returned to Alex's bedroom, smiling to see him still asleep. She smoothed his hair back and kissed his forehead affectionately, figuring he must've been up late finishing his wrapping.

      He'll wake up when he smells the coffee. Thalia decided, heading towards the kitchen. Maybe I'll try coconut—

      Thalia's eyes widened as she turned the corner into the living room. "What—?"

      The entire room had changed. When she had gone to bed the night before the living room had looked almost ordinary. A tree had been up with a few decorations haphazardly stuck on, and a handful of gifts stuffed under it. Nothing else had decorated the house.

      Now the tree was lit up with a thousand lights and a ton of decorations. The mantle had several little Christmas houses on top, and four stockings hanging from it, with a wreath above. Even the couch had Christmas pillows on it and a big red throw blanket.

      "Merry Christmas."

      Thalia turned as she heard Alex's voice behind her.

      "Do you like it?"

      "I love it." She told him, her voice awed. "When did you...?"

      Alex laughed, wrapping his arms around her. "After you went to bed." He smiled. "I had mentioned to Andy that I wanted to do this, and while we were away he started planning."

      "Hey." A shy voice came from the kitchen doorway. "It's candy cane flavoured."

      Thalia's eyes lit up as Andy handed her an oversized mug. "Thank you."

      Andy just smiled.

      "I helped too." Dan's voice called from the kitchen. "I picked up the decorations from our parents' house." Dan grinned as he handed Alex a candy cane coffee. "I even bought you your own ornament, Thal."

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