Wedding/ Gone

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Don in the media ^


Natania's IG Post

*********Chicago, Illinois, USA

@iam_natania: 👰🤵 💍💍 @corey_smith @sokendall

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@iam_natania: 👰🤵 💍💍 @corey_smith

67,299 likes and 300 comments

485k followers,400 followings, and 41   posts

485k followers,400 followings, and 41   posts

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@iam_natania: my girls

87,000 likes and 300 comments

485k followers,400 followings, and 42   posts

Don's IG Post

*********Chicago, Illinois, USA

@don_smith: Congratulations to my baby brother and his wifey on getting married! @corey_smith @sokendall

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@don_smith: Congratulations to my baby brother and his wifey on getting married! @corey_smith

86,229 likes and 600 comments

885k followers, 500 followings, and 63  posts

Omniscient's Pov

********Chicago, Illinois, USA

Natania bathed her kids and put them to bed before she jumped into the shower. Don returned to their hotel suite while she was still in the shower. He strips down to butt naked in their hotel room and joins her in the shower.

She paused as she felt embarrassed being naked in front of him. "You smell like vodka," Natania was shaking at this point

"Why don't you taste it? He pushed her into him and forcefully tongue kissed her

Then he faces her against the wall and savagely rapes her while the shower ran over them. "You're mine, baby" Don continues to force anal sex on her

"And nobody will ever take my place,"

Natania did her best not to cry because she now knows he strives off that. So she held her cries in and took the beating he was giving her. She knows that one day this would be over and she would be free from him but she's not sure when that day would come.

He when got bothered from fucking her from the back. He turns her around and wrapped her legs around his waist as he starts to have oral sex with her. Don was intoxicated and high on weed that he smoked with his childhood friends earlier before coming back to the hotel.

******the next morning

"Where is she? Don asked the front desk woman


"My wife," Don panicked when he woke up this afternoon and couldn't find his wife or children

"I don't know sir. My shift just started 30 minutes ago," The front desk lady tells him

"Damn it!" He rushes back to the hotel suite looking for clues on what happened

He was so intoxicated last night that he slept through Natania leaving with their children. He tries calling her but her phone was switched off. "Fuck!" Don angrily pushes his fists into the wall

"Momma, isn't dad coming with us? Brie asked her mom

"No, he's not" Natania kissed Brie's forehead

"But why? I want my daddy to come with us,"

Brie loves her dad but she doesn't know about the fuck up things her dad does to her mom almost every day. Natania looked back at her two younger kids as they were asleep on a private jet to Italy. She felt a sense of relief that she's left Don for good and is going to start a new life in Italy under a witness protection program. Somewhere he would never find her or their children. 

Back at the hotel, the memories from last night replayed over and over his head when he was raping her, and remembered her not crying as she would normally do. Either way, he couldn't help but wonder where his wife and children went to or who took them.



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