What happened ?

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Hello, my wonderful readers!

I've decided to do a time jump for this storyline because I'm bored with how things have been going.

So stay tuned for more!

Omnsicent's Pov

*******Beverly Hills, California, USA

******6 months later.

"911, what's your emergency? A 911 operator asked the caller.

"Hi...." The caller says while breathing heavily.

"911, what's your emergency? The 911 operator tries to pin the caller's location.

"I need the police.....my husband is gone,"

"Gone? What do you mean gone? The 911 operator asked.

"He's dead...." The caller cries over the phone.

"Is the killer still there? What area of the house can the police locate you? The 911 operator wanted more information from the caller so she notified the police

"I'm downstairs," The caller says.

"Mommy..." A kid could be heard over the phone.

"Go back to your room, Brie"

"Ma'am, do you have children in that house?

"Yes," The caller responded.

"How many kids, ma'am? The 911 operator lets them know that the police have the new information.

"Four kids," The caller dropped the call.

********15 minutes later.

**The cops arrived and slowly made their way into the Beverly Hills property

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The cops arrived and slowly made their way into the Beverly Hills property. Natania's pyjamas were covered in blood as they sat at the bottom of the stairs. "Ma'am, are you hurt? One of the police asked her as the other searched the house.

"No," Natania simply said.

"What happened here? The cop handcuffed her.

"I need a lawyer," Natania was taken away and placed behind a police car.

The other cops got the kids out of the house and stumbled upon a dead man's body in the master bathroom. The crime scene investigators soon arrived at the scene. "He's cold," Don was declared dead.

Pictures were taken and physical measurements of the scene were, identifying and collecting forensic evidence, and maintaining the proper chain of custody of that evidence. The crime scene investigators collected other evidence such as fingerprints, footprints, blood and other body fluids, and hair fibres.

One of the cops got in contact with Crystal (Natania's sister ) to come and pick up all four of the kids. Natania being the murder suspect was taken to the police station. Don's family was contacted by one of the two detectives.

*****At the police station

Natania was brought to the police station for questioning. She had been given a jacket to cover up what
she had on before her arrest.

"Would you like some coffee? A detective asked Natania

"Yes, please" Natania was so overwhelmed with everything going on.

Another detective bought Natania the coffee. "Thank you!" Natania takes a sip of the coffee.

"Who's the victim to you? The detective started to interrogate Natania and the detective recorded the interrogation.

"He's my husband, " Natania responded.

"What happened in there?

"Miss, what happened between you and your husband? The other detective asked Natania.

"I don't know...everything happened so fast.....I didn't want to hurt him but he was going to kill me....." Natania opens up

"Kill you, how? The first detective asks.

"Don, rapes and abuses me. It was self-defensive," Natania defended.

"Miss, the victim was stabbed several times and his throat was slit ear to ear like an animal, " The detective wasn't buying the self-defence claim.

"From the looks of the crime scene you attacked him while he was still in the shower," The second detective added.

"He was caught off guard and stabbed to death," The second detective continued.

Natania didn't say a word she just stared down at the table. "He made my life a living hell for years. I've run away from him several times but he always manages to find me,"

"What led to the stabbing in the shower? The detectives wanted to know more.

"He came home from work. He ate his dinner and I  put our kids to bed. Before going into the master bedroom. He forced me into getting intimate and when I refused he beat me up and then he savagely raped me...." Natania tells the detectives.

"Do you mind performing a rape kit test?

"Yes, I mean no.....I mean.....yes" Natania was indecisive.



Do you all think Natania's innocent as she claims?

Does Don deserve to get killed in such a brutal manner?

What's going to happen when Don's family finds out?


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